The 2017 CHC Breakfast, March 16, 2017—Sponsors and Supporters
Stephen and Maryan Ackley
James Baer
Annie and James Barnett
Michael and Dede Barsotti
Wendy Bolton
Jack and Jessica Bowen
Lavinia Branden
John and Kate Brigden
Peter and Devon Briger
Susan Carey
Brian and Nana Chancellor
Mathews Cherian and Nandani Joseph
Ben and Lydia Choi
Terrence Connelly
J Taylor and Suzanne Crandall
Anne Dauer
Wendy Decenzo
Olivier and Caroline Devaux
Brian and Ashley Dombkowski
Gary and Lani Dorff
Raphaelle Dufosse
Lady Bess Fishback
Lindsay Folk
Don and Anne-Marie Gambelin
James and Roberta Gates
Mark and Elizabeth Gates, Jr.
Mary Gloner
Evan and Cindy Goldberg
Steve Goldenberg
Michael and Loren Gordon
Sanj Goyle and Renu Nanda
Robin and Monica Graham
Will and Calla Griffith
Trudy Gross
Conrad and Mary Gullixson
Stacy Gullixson
Gary and Perry Guthrie
Eric and Elaine Hahn
Merrilee Harris
Keving and Catherine Harvey
Ryan and Andrea Helft
Manuel and Elizabeth Henriquez
Jessica Hickingbotham
Jack and Anne Holloway
William Hooper and Julie Terrell Hooper
Charles Huggins
Ross and Eve Jaffe
Edward and Stephanie Johnson
Glenn and Mary Johnson
Glen and Amy Kacher
Lisa Keck
Jon Keeling
Allison Keenan
Robert Keller and Nicole Tempest Keller
Olana Hirsch Khan
Elisa Khodabakchian
Bernard and Jere King
Brad and Wendy Kinstler
Steve and Michele Kirsch
Linda Kmak
Sara Kole
Kathy Koo
Cate Krensavage
James Baer
Annie and James Barnett
Michael and Dede Barsotti
Wendy Bolton
Jack and Jessica Bowen
Lavinia Branden
John and Kate Brigden
Peter and Devon Briger
Susan Carey
Brian and Nana Chancellor
Mathews Cherian and Nandani Joseph
Ben and Lydia Choi
Terrence Connelly
J Taylor and Suzanne Crandall
Anne Dauer
Wendy Decenzo
Olivier and Caroline Devaux
Brian and Ashley Dombkowski
Gary and Lani Dorff
Raphaelle Dufosse
Lady Bess Fishback
Lindsay Folk
Don and Anne-Marie Gambelin
James and Roberta Gates
Mark and Elizabeth Gates, Jr.
Mary Gloner
Evan and Cindy Goldberg
Steve Goldenberg
Michael and Loren Gordon
Sanj Goyle and Renu Nanda
Robin and Monica Graham
Will and Calla Griffith
Trudy Gross
Conrad and Mary Gullixson
Stacy Gullixson
Gary and Perry Guthrie
Eric and Elaine Hahn
Merrilee Harris
Keving and Catherine Harvey
Ryan and Andrea Helft
Manuel and Elizabeth Henriquez
Jessica Hickingbotham
Jack and Anne Holloway
William Hooper and Julie Terrell Hooper
Charles Huggins
Ross and Eve Jaffe
Edward and Stephanie Johnson
Glenn and Mary Johnson
Glen and Amy Kacher
Lisa Keck
Jon Keeling
Allison Keenan
Robert Keller and Nicole Tempest Keller
Olana Hirsch Khan
Elisa Khodabakchian
Bernard and Jere King
Brad and Wendy Kinstler
Steve and Michele Kirsch
Linda Kmak
Sara Kole
Kathy Koo
Cate Krensavage
John Kriewall and Betsy Haehl
Kurz Family Foundation
Kenneth and Anne Lawler
Larry and Bren Leisure
Linda Lenoir
Edward Levine
Dorene Loew
Melissa Lu
Kevin and Laural Lynch
Keith and Sheila McWilliams
Gari and Ellen Merendino
Chris Miller
Linda Mills
David and Lisa Mooring
Diana Neiman
Eric and Suzanne O’Brien
Rick and Melinda Osterloh
Margot Parker
Carrie Pendolino
Doug and Kim Pepper
Christopher Peters and Naomi Chavez Peters
Robert and Heather Pietsch
Bruce and Krista Potvin
Russell and Helen Pyne
Sean Quinlan and Karelle Celestin
Sharmila Ravi
Byron and Roxanne Reeves
Stephen and Mellisa Reller
George and Linnea Roberts
Neil and Rebecca Robertson
Jesse and Mindy Rogers
Leonard and Arlene Rosenberg
Lisa Rosenthal
Simon and Julia Roy
Cindi Savelli
Heidi Schell
Robert and Chris Schumacher
Quintilla Shott
Arnold and Barbara Silverman
Prairie and Lauren Sims
Faye Star
Josh and Jenny Stein
Nicholas and Michelle Sturiale
Randy Taran
Tad and Dianne Taube
Ken and Suzi Tinsley
Juliette Torrey
Agneta Turner
Kyle and Kimberly Vogel
Dawn Voss
Michele Wang
Pamela Weiss
Bring Change 2 Mind
Crisis Text Line
Gunn High School
Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford
Mountain View-Los Altos Union School District
Rosewood Sand Hill
Sacred Heart Schools
Wilkes Bashford
Kurz Family Foundation
Kenneth and Anne Lawler
Larry and Bren Leisure
Linda Lenoir
Edward Levine
Dorene Loew
Melissa Lu
Kevin and Laural Lynch
Keith and Sheila McWilliams
Gari and Ellen Merendino
Chris Miller
Linda Mills
David and Lisa Mooring
Diana Neiman
Eric and Suzanne O’Brien
Rick and Melinda Osterloh
Margot Parker
Carrie Pendolino
Doug and Kim Pepper
Christopher Peters and Naomi Chavez Peters
Robert and Heather Pietsch
Bruce and Krista Potvin
Russell and Helen Pyne
Sean Quinlan and Karelle Celestin
Sharmila Ravi
Byron and Roxanne Reeves
Stephen and Mellisa Reller
George and Linnea Roberts
Neil and Rebecca Robertson
Jesse and Mindy Rogers
Leonard and Arlene Rosenberg
Lisa Rosenthal
Simon and Julia Roy
Cindi Savelli
Heidi Schell
Robert and Chris Schumacher
Quintilla Shott
Arnold and Barbara Silverman
Prairie and Lauren Sims
Faye Star
Josh and Jenny Stein
Nicholas and Michelle Sturiale
Randy Taran
Tad and Dianne Taube
Ken and Suzi Tinsley
Juliette Torrey
Agneta Turner
Kyle and Kimberly Vogel
Dawn Voss
Michele Wang
Pamela Weiss
Bring Change 2 Mind
Crisis Text Line
Gunn High School
Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford
Mountain View-Los Altos Union School District
Rosewood Sand Hill
Sacred Heart Schools
Wilkes Bashford
Thank you for your confidence in CHC
Because of you we have been able to help more children and teens than ever before.
2016 Annual Giving Donor Roll
Care has been taken to provide an accurate report of all annual fund donors at the cumulative giving level of $1,000 and above for gifts received between January 1 and December 31, 2016. Please contact the Advancement Office for corrections: (650) 617-3857.