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Causes of Teen Stress

  • Worrying about schoolwork or grades
  • Juggling responsibilities, such as school and work or sports
  • Having problems with friends, bullying, or peer group pressures
  • Becoming sexually active or feeling pressure to do so
  • Changing schools, moving, or dealing with housing problems or homelessness
  • Having negative thoughts about themselves
  • Going through body changes, in both boys and girls
  • Seeing their parents go through a divorce or separation
  • Having financial problems in the family
  • Living in an unsafe home or neighborhood
  • Figuring out what to do after high school
  • Getting into college

Learn to Recognize Stress

  • Acts angry or irritable
  • Cries often or seems teary
  • Withdraws from activities and people
  • Has trouble sleeping or sleeps too much
  • Seems overly worried
  • Eats too much or not enough
  • Complains of headaches or stomachaches
  • Seems tired or has no energy
  • Uses drugs or alcohol

How You Can Help

Spend time together

Learn to listen

Be a role model

Get your teen moving

Keep an eye on sleep

Teach work management skills

Do not try to solve your teenager’s problems

Stock up on healthy foods

Create family rituals

Do not demand perfection

Source: Medline Plus | Help Your Teen Cope with Stress, | copyright 2024 A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia. Retrieved August 2024.

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