Scarleteen that provides inclusive, comprehensive, and supportive sexuality and relationship information for teens and young adults.
Online Resources
Scarleteen contains thousands of original comprehensive sexuality, health and relationship articles, guides, fact sheets and in-depth advice answers, extensive external resource lists for each topical section of the site and a collective blog. Scarleteen content has been written by adult, emerging adult or teen educators and writers, is highly inclusive, and is always fact-checked and informed by current, medically-accurate information.
Interactive Services
Scarleteen’s message boards are staffed and highly moderated to provide a safe space which provides accurate information. Our users use them for questions and answers from staff and volunteers on sexuality, sexual health and relationships, for emotional support and to engage in safe, respectful peer-to-peer discussion.
About Scarleteen
Scarleteen is an independent, nonprofit organization created and built based on what young people asked for, through existing experience in alternative education, writing, social justice activism, health and sexuality that founder Heather Corinna and a few volunteer writers shared, with an understanding of human sexuality as an ideally positive, beneficial part of life.
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