Diane Ehrensaft, PhD, is a developmental and clinical psychologist who coined the term gender creative to describe children whose unique gender expression or sense of identity is not defined by a checkbox on their birth certificate. In her second book, The Gender Creative Child, Ehrensaft guides parents and professionals through the rapidly changing cultural, medical, and legal landscape of gender and identity.
The interconnected effects of biology, nurture
Dr. Ehrensaft explains the interconnected effects of biology, nurture, and culture to explore why gender can be fluid, rather than binary. As an advocate for the gender affirmative model and with the expertise she has gained over three decades of pioneering work with children and families, she encourages caregivers to listen to each child, learn their particular needs, and support their quest for a true gender self.

Dr. Ehrensaft is the cofounder and director of mental health at the Child and Adolescent Gender Center, an associate professor of pediatrics, and an attending psychologist at the Benioff Children’s Hospital Child and Adolescent Gender Clinic.

If you are a parent or caregiver who’s interested in learning more about gender diversity, check out our podcast to learn how to support your child’s natural gender exploration.
The Gender Creative Child: Pathways for Nurturing and Supporting Children Who Live Outside Gender Boxes is available in bookstores and through online booksellers.