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Featured Resources: Executive Functioning

Anxiety & Depression Among Teens

Anxiety and Stress in Teens

The teenage years are ripe with new experiences, opportunities and challenges. Also during this time, teenagers’ brains are changing, and they want more independence and autonomy. During this time, there are also many stressors. Read more >>

Keep Your Teen Moving to Reduce Risk of Depression

Science shows moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise is good for us — it improves sleep; lowers blood pressure; protects against heart disease, diabetes and cancer; reduces stress; boosts mood; and fights anxiety and depression. It’s especially important in adolescence, where Read more >>

How Can Schools Help Kids with Anxiety?

Teachers and parents all over the country are noticing an increase in mental health issues, including anxiety, among students. Parents and educators are scrambling to understand why kids seem to be more anxious and how to help them. Read more >>

When Erratic Teenage Behavior Means Something More

Mary Rose O’Leary has shepherded three children into adulthood, and teaches art and music to middle-school students. Despite her extensive personal and professional experience with teens, the Eagle Rock, Calif., resident admits she’s often perplexed by their behavior. Read more >>