Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Resources from Sesame Workshop [web resource]

Explore Sesame Workshop’s free, bilingual resources to help support the autistic children in your life. Read more ›

What Is Sensory Processing Disorder?

It’s not uncommon to feel overwhelmed by competing conversations or flashing lights, but for children and adults with Sensory Processing Disorder, these sensations disrupt and overwhelm everyday life. Read more ›

Understanding Sensory Integration

Sensory integration is an essential part of your development — it helps define everything from the way you see and hear things in the world, to the way that your body exists in space and more. Yet, research suggests that anywhere from 5% to 16.5% of people experience sensory processing challenges, especially in those with conditions like autism spectrum disorder. Read more ›

Assistive Technology Tools for Learning Differences, ADHD, and Executive Function Challenges [web resource]

For many students with differing abilities, assistive technology provides a bridge to overcome barriers to participation and progress in school. Read more ›

College Programs Meet a Range of Needs for Students on the Spectrum

Each year, tens of thousands of students diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders graduate from high school, many with aspirations to attend college. Yet only about 100 colleges, most of them four-year institutions, have standalone programs for those students, according to an analysis by members of the College Autism Network. Read more ›

Book: Parenting Bright Kids Who Struggle in School: A Strength-Based Approach to Helping Your Child Thrive and Succeed

Parenting Bright Kids Who Struggle in School guides parents through the challenging and often unfamiliar landscape of raising kids who have been labeled with learning differences, including dyslexia, ADHD, autism, sensory processing disorder, and more. Read more ›

The Autism/ADHD Podcast [web resource]

Children with ADHD and Autism often require a different approach. In the Autism/ADHD podcast series, behavior expert Holly Blanc Moses shares her strategies to help children diagnosed with autism and ADHD effectively improve their behavior, emotional health, social skills, and academic performance. Read more ›

Playing Drums May Improve Socialization, Focus in Teens With Autism

The percussive skill needed to bang out rhythms on a drum may help improve socializing, inhibition control and focus among teens with autism, research suggests. Read more ›

The Neurodiversity Podcast [web resource]

Emily Kircher-Morris, M.A., M.Ed., LPC, inspired by her own experiences as a neurodivergent person, is dedicated to destigmatizing neurodiversity and supporting neurodivergent people of all ages. Emily hosts The Neurodiversity Podcast, which explores the psychological, educational, and social needs for enriching the lives of neurodivergent people. Read more ›

Stanford Team Finds Benefits to Online Autism Treatment

In the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, Stanford Medicine researchers had to pause a study of autism treatment in preschoolers. The participants, young children with speech delays, had been coming to Stanford 12 hours a week for a therapy called pivotal response treatment, which uses autistic children’s interests to motivate them to talk. Read more ›

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