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Featured Resources: Executive Functioning

Developmental Milestones

The Long-Term Effects of Childhood Trauma

Two-thirds of Americans are exposed to extreme stress in childhood, things like divorce, a death in the family or a caregiver’s substance abuse. And this early adversity, if experienced in high enough doses, “literally gets under our skin, changing people Read more >>

Important Milestones: Your Child By Eighteen Months

How your child plays, learns, speaks, acts, and moves offers important clues about your child’s development. Developmental milestones are things most children can do by a certain age. Check these milestones —published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention—that Read more >>

Warning Signs of a Learning Disability

It’s not always easy to identify learning disabilities. Because of the wide variations, there is no single symptom or profile that you can look to as proof of a problem. However, some warning signs are more common than others at Read more >>