Developmental Milestones

9 Tips for Raising More Empathetic Kids

In her book “UnSelfie: Why Empathetic Kids Succeed in Our All-About-Me World,” educational psychologist and parenting expert Dr. Michele Borba lays out nine ways to raise kids who are more caring, compassionate, and concerned about others. Read more ›

Play to Learn: Structured Play Is Important to Your Child’s Development [downloadable]

Allowing your child to play is a must! A healthy balance between children playing on their own and having structured play with parents is important for early learning and development. Read more ›

How Strengthening Relationships with Boys Can Help Them Learn

To support boys in our classrooms, Michael Reichert, a clinical psychologist and author of “How to Raise a Boy: The Power of Connection to Build Good Men” points to one robust, consistent finding from his 30 years of research: boys are relational learners. They learn best in the context of strong, supportive relationships. Read more ›

As We Grow…Key Developmental Milestones Ages 1-18 [downloadable]

At each age in a child’s life, there are predictable levels of skill to expect. We have outlined the developmental milestones for ages 1 to 18—a checklist you can use as you observe your child growing up, and a guide to use with your pediatrician or your child’s teacher. Read more ›

Parenting Teens: Guiding Kids Through Turbulent Years

The teenage years are filled with change. Body, mind, and feelings are maturing quickly. Teens are also learning about who they are and who they want to become. To do that, they need to try new things. But that means taking risks.

“Parenting during the teen years can be a very exciting but also a really risky time,” explains Dr. Kevin Haggerty, an NIH-funded prevention researcher at the University of Washington. Read more ›

Help Your Children Cope with Traumatic Events

News about catastrophic events, natural disasters, crime reports, and terrorist threats can have a profound emotional impact on children. Younger children, especially, are vulnerable in the wake of traumatic events and may experience stress, anxiety and increased fearfulness long after the event has passed. Your support can help your children process these emotions and help them manage their fear and anxiety. Read more ›

Bay Area Doctors Target Health Consequences of Childhood Trauma

A screening tool developed by Bay Area pediatricians to identify adverse childhood experiences, ranging from homelessness and food insecurity to physical and sexual abuse, will now help doctors statewide address trauma affecting patients’ health. Read more ›

Teen Health Services and One-On-One Time with A Healthcare Provider

The teen years are an important time of growth and development. Teens need regular medical care to ensure they receive recommended health services that help keep them safe and healthy. Having a healthcare provider (e.g., a doctor or nurse practitioner) they trust and can talk to is important, particularly when it comes to topics such as mental and sexual health, substance use, and safety from bullying. Read more ›

Eating Disorders: Types, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

Eating disorders are serious mental health disorders. They involve severe problems with your thoughts about food and your eating behaviors. You may eat much less or much more than you need.

Eating disorders are medical conditions; they are not a lifestyle choice. They affect your body’s ability to get proper nutrition. This can lead to health issues, such as heart and kidney problems, or sometimes even death. But there are treatments that can help. Read more ›

What Science Tells Us About Early Childhood Development

The use of science to inform learning and development can have profound results for children, particularly those in their first few years of life.

So say the experts—among them Randa Grob-Zakhary, a resident of Switzerland who holds doctoral degrees in neuroscience and medicine from Johns Hopkins University. Read more ›

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