Developmental Milestones

Highly Sensitive Children Thrive in the Right Environment

Sensitive children are keen observers of the world, but tend to get overstimulated. They often live intense inner lives and are highly creative, but they are wary of new situations and of people they don’t know.

They also easily intuit the moods of others and feel their pain. This empathy draws their peers and sometimes even adults to confide in sensitive children. Later in life, they often go into helping professions like health care and counseling, where their natural gifts are put to good use. Read more ›

Healthy Friendships in Adolescence

Positive social connections with people at all stages in life help ensure healthy development, physically, socially, and emotionally. As children transition to adolescence and start to spend less time with parents and siblings, friendships with peers become an increasingly important source of these social connections. Read more ›

Tips for Choosing Picture Books Featuring Diverse, BIPOC Characters

If you’re an adult who understands the importance of seeking out picture books that feature Black and Indigenous people and People of Color (BIPOC), it can still be challenging to know how to choose a good book from among what’s available on the “diverse books” market. Read more ›

Taking the Time to Listen [presentation] [video]

Are you finding it difficult to get your teen to talk with you? It seems like communication would be easier since you’re all at home together, but the reality is different. Maybe it’s time to stop talking to them and start listening. In this webinar, learn about the social development of adolescents as well as strategies you can use to truly listen to and connect with your child. Read more ›

The New Adolescence: Raising Happy and Successful Teens in an Age of Anxiety and Distraction

 The New Adolescence is a handbook for parents that offers road-tested, science-based solutions for raising happy, healthy, and successful teenagers. Read more ›

Anxiety Screening Recommended for All Females Ages 13 and Up

Young women ages 13 and up should be screened for anxiety at routine visits, according to a new Women’s Preventive Services Initiative (WPSI) recommendation. Read more ›

Top 5 Strategies All Parents Need to Know to Foster Mental Health [presentation] [video]

It is estimated that 1 in 5 children experience mental health challenges. What can you as a parent do support your child’s mental health? Learn five simple strategies that you can incorporate into your family life to encourage mental wellness in your child. Read more ›

Is This Normal? Top 5 Things to Know About Your Young Child’s Development

Written by Melanie Hsu, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist and Early Childhood Program Manager at CHC

Many parents note that one silver lining of these scary and unprecedented times is the opportunity to spend much more time with their children. However, this increased attention can sometimes lead to more worries: is my child delayed? Are they reacting to the anxiety of these times? Or am I just more concerned and sensitive because of my own personal stress? Read more ›

Why the Preteen Years Are a Critical Period for Brain Development

Aside from experiencing physical changes, preteens also undergo a brain growth spurt much like toddlers. Ron Dahl, who directs the Institute for Human Development at the University of California, Berkeley, argues that adolescence is actually a second opportunity to invest in children because of the enormous brain development during this period. Read more ›

Developing Lifelong Learners [video]

If you’re a parent and want your children to develop into lifelong learners, there are a range of things that you can do. The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development created a video series in which NICHD experts provide tips on how to encourage lifelong learning in your children using math, language, and reading skills. Read more ›

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