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Featured Resources: Executive Functioning

Twice-Exceptionality (2e)

Twice-Exceptional Girls

In this Voices of Compassion podcast episode, we welcome guest, Dr. Lisa White, Psychologist at The Summit Center, who works with twice-exceptional girls, as we discuss how these remarkable individuals perceive themselves and navigate school and life. Read more >>

Raising Gifted / 2e Girls

Legendary country singer Tammy Wynette sang, “Sometimes it’s hard to be a woman…” But you know what’s really hard? Being a middle school girl. Or a high school girl. Or even an elementary school girl. And being gifted or 2e Read more >>

Twice-Exceptional Kids: Both Gifted and Challenged

Some children are highly gifted in areas such as math, writing or music. Others have learning challenges like ADHD, dyslexia or dyscalculia, autism or sensory processing issues. But there are also kids who fit into both categories. They’re called “twice-exceptional,” Read more >>

The Neurodiversity Podcast [web resource]

Emily Kircher-Morris, M.A., M.Ed., LPC, inspired by her own experiences as a neurodivergent person, is dedicated to destigmatizing neurodiversity and supporting neurodivergent people of all ages. Emily hosts The Neurodiversity Podcast, which explores the psychological, educational, and social needs for Read more >>