Learning & School

Does Your Child Struggle With Math? Dyscalculia Could Be the Reason. [downloadable]

Dyscalculia (dis-kal-KYOO-lee-uh) is not as well known as dyslexia, but both are learning disabilities. Read more ›

Before Heading to College, Make a Mental Health Checklist

In other words, what can they do to protect their mental health? Experts suggest that parents and teenagers take proactive steps now to help plan for and preserve mental well-being during the big transition to college. Read more ›

5 Tips for Parents of New Kindergartners Who Are Younger Than Their Classmates

A good kindergarten experience sets kids up for success in school and into adulthood. Students in smaller kindergarten classes are more likely to go to college than students from larger classes. And by age 27, students who had more experienced kindergarten teachers were earning more money than their peers who had less-experienced teachers in kindergarten. Read more ›

Play-Based Learning vs. Academics in Preschool

As pressure to raise scores on standardized tests has trickled down to the lower grades, kindergarten and even pre-kindergarten classrooms have focused more on academic skills. But debating whether a kindergarten or preschool classroom should be play-based or academic is the wrong question, experts say. Read more ›

What Is Non-Verbal Learning Disorder?

Nonverbal learning disorder (NVLD), also known as nonverbal learning disability, is a neurological condition which typically emerges during childhood but can persist through adulthood. It is marked by one or more of a set of cognitive, and sometimes social, difficulties experienced by children of otherwise average or superior intelligence, such as visual-spatial struggles and motor-skill deficits. Some people diagnosed with NVLD also have trouble comprehending nonverbal information such as body language and facial expressions. Read more ›

What Do Teachers Need to Know About Memory?

One of the most important aspects of learning that might be least understood is human memory. We are tasked with passing on skills and knowledge to students—it’s the most important aspect of our job. Yet how many educators have earned degrees and teaching certificates without any mention of how memory works? Read more ›

The Neurodiversity Podcast [web resource]

Emily Kircher-Morris, M.A., M.Ed., LPC, inspired by her own experiences as a neurodivergent person, is dedicated to destigmatizing neurodiversity and supporting neurodivergent people of all ages. Emily hosts The Neurodiversity Podcast, which explores the psychological, educational, and social needs for enriching the lives of neurodivergent people. Read more ›

Children in Remote School Faced More Sleep, Behavior and Social Challenges

Millions of children spent months, even more than a year, attending school virtually from kitchen tables, bedrooms and laptops during the pandemic.

And this shift to computer-based learning may have led to negative consequences for younger kids, suggests a new Michigan Medicine study of a sample of families in Michigan. Read more ›

Pandemic Babies With Developmental Delays Can Be Helped to Make Up for Lost Social Interaction – 5 Tips for Parents

Typically, about 1 in 6 children experience a developmental delay. But children born during the pandemic, a 2022 study has found, have nearly twice the risk of developmental delays in communication and social development compared to babies born prior to the pandemic. Read more ›

School Mental Health Resources Critical to Ensuring Safe School Environments

Whenever a mass shooting takes place in schools, public discussion often focuses on laws or policies that might have prevented the tragedy. But averting school violence needs more than gun policy. It requires both prevention and crisis response that take students’ emotional well-being – not just their physical safety – into account. Read more ›

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