Learning & School

Bilingual Books for Emergent Bilinguals

Bilingual books are not about simply placing the books in your library and hoping they will get utilized by your students. Likewise, the books are not an answer to diversity issues in your classroom teaching. Bilingual books deal with the same issues that monolingual books address: colorism, gender, and more. Read more ›

Emergent Bilingual Students: Shifting to An Asset Model of Instruction

For years, ELL students have been regarded as students who come with a deficit, or gaps, in their knowledge. The assumption is that these students must be taught English in order to assimilate into our culture and ultimately be successful in school. On the other hand, to regard these students as “emergent bilingual,” suggests that there is value in their native language and cultural background, in addition to other contributions they bring to the classroom. Read more ›

Supporting Emergent Bilingual Children in Early Learning [downloadable]

Supporting Emergent Bilingual Children in Early Learning from Education Development Center (EDC) draws on current research into how children learn, giving educators promising practices for supporting the diverse needs of young learners. Read more ›

5 Study Tips for Neurodivergent College Students

For neurodivergent college students to navigate their academic journey successfully, it’s essential to develop effective study habits and strategies. Here are some valuable study tips. Read more ›

How to Motivate and Engage Twice Exceptional Learners

Gifted learners with a learning difference like ADHD are also referred to as twice exceptional or 2e.

The founder of With Understanding Comes Calm, Julie Skolnick, MA, JD, offers tips for working with gifted learners with ADHD. Read more ›

The Strengths of ADHD

Along with its challenges, ADHD also brings unique strengths. Those strengths are often overshadowed by challenges, so in today’s episode we want to shed light on the strengths!

In this Voices of Compassion episode, we explore these strengths and how understanding strengths can transform the way we think about ADHD and how we can support our students with ADHD.
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Dyslexia’s Unique Strengths

In this Voices of Compassion podcast episode, we talk with founders of Dyslexic Advantage and leading figures in the field of dyslexia research and advocacy Drs. Fernette and Brock Eide about the often misunderstood and overlooked strengths of dyslexia, shedding light on how to identify and nurture these remarkable attributes.
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Developmental Dyslexia Was Essential For Human Survival and Still Has Benefits Today

As the most common cause of spelling, reading, and writing difficulties, dyslexia affects about 15% to 20% of the population. It’s a learning difficulty that does not discriminate, as it affects the general population nearly equally, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or socio-economic background. Read more ›

The Many Strengths of Dyslexics

Nothing affects your chances at succeeding in school like not having the skills to read, spell, and write. This is, unfortunately, what dyslexia is all about. It can be the one impediment to achieving one’s goals in work and life. But, what if we told you that being dyslexic can foster strengths that can help you excel?  Read more ›

6 Strengths and Benefits of ADHD

People diagnosed with ADHD may have difficulty focusing on tasks, an inability to control their impulses, and have hyperactive tendencies. However, there are numerous strengths and benefits that also come with the condition. Read more ›

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