Learning & School

Most States Struggling to Fulfill IDEA Requirements

More than half of states are falling behind in meeting their responsibilities to students with disabilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, federal officials say.

In an annual evaluation of each state’s special education performance, the U.S. Department of Education found that just 22 states qualified for the designation of “meets requirements” for the 2019-2020 school year for students ages 3 to 21. Read more ›

First 5 California [web resource]

First 5 California understands today’s parents face many challenges and tough choices as they raise their kids. First 5 California, also known as the California Children and Families Commission, supports the healthy development of children, from prenatal through age 5, and enriches the lives of their families and communities. Read more ›

MentalHealthLiteracy.org [web resource]

MentalHealthLiteracy.org is non profit organization that creates educational, training, and clinical care materials and programs designed for use in schools and care settings to promote mental health literacy, clinical care capacity, self-care and psychoeducation, and evaluation of existing programs and interventions.

Mental health information (products and training programs) are designed to address the needs of youth ages 12 to 25 years, families, educators, health providers, policy makers and others. Read more ›

Therapy Dogs Reduce College Stress, Improve Executive Functioning

Spending just one hour per week for a month with therapy dogs led to a significant improvement in executive functioning for college students at risk of failing academically. Read more ›

Integrating Music Into Social and Emotional Learning

Music classes can serve as a way to help students develop social-emotional learning skills, and activities that build these tools can be introduced into classrooms as early as preschool, according to an Edutopia article by Laura Petillo, early childhood advocate and music educator at the Basie Center for the Arts, and Dr. Kerry Carley Rizzuto, associate professor of early childhood education at Monmouth University. Read more ›

Juneteenth Teaching Resources [web resource]

Juneteenth, celebrated June 19, marks the day enslaved Texans learned they were free in June of 1865. While the history of the holiday includes the injustice of enslavement, Juneteenth should also be understood in the context of Black people’s fight for justice and freedom. Read more ›

California Department of Education Announces First of its Kind Statewide Online Community of Practice and Collaboration Network for Educators [web resource]

The California Department of Education (CDE), in collaboration with the Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation, has launched California Educators Together, an online platform designed to streamline communication between educators and allow them to access and share a vast library of content, resources, strategies, and supports. Read more ›

Best Practices for Serving LGBTQ Students [downloadable] [web resource]

An LGBTQ-inclusive school benefits all students. Seeing LGBTQ identities valued in the classroom, in the curriculum and in day-to-day interactions inspires empathy, understanding and respect. Read more ›

New Free Family-Oriented Early-Literacy Apps [downloadable]

Three new early-literacy apps — released for free from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and its Reach Every Reader initiative — are designed for parents and caregivers to use with their children. They’re designed to create fun and rewarding interactions, get families talking, and give children the foundations they need to read, learn, and thrive. Read more ›

Using ‘Stamped (For Kids)’ to Have Age-Appropriate Discussions About Race

Dr. Ibram X. Kendi wasn’t pulling any punches when he set out to write “The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America.” “Stamped from the Beginning” has since been remixed as “Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You,” a version of the book that was re-written for teens by best-selling author Jason Reynolds. Now, we have “Stamped (For Kids): Racism, Antiracism, and You,” an adaptation aimed at 7- to 12-year-olds. Read more ›

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