Learning & School

What Happens When California Students in Special Education Return to the Classroom?

For students with disabilities, the pandemic has been a landscape of extremes. Some have thrived with distance learning and want to continue in the fall, while many have languished without the in-person support of therapists and teachers and have lost ground academically, socially and emotionally. Read more ›

3 SEL Practices Teachers Can Use Every Day

Regardless of your teaching and learning situation (fully online, hybrid, or in person), we know that the intentional and explicit weaving of SEL into the fabric of our everyday learning and life is critical. Read more ›

Study: Later School Start Time Gave Small Boost to Grades But Big Boost to Sleep

The physical and mental health benefits of getting a good night’s sleep are indisputable. What’s less clear is whether starting school later in the morning will prompt kids to sleep more and consequently learn more during the school day.  Read more ›

Effective Study Strategies to Help Students Learn

Between kindergarten and twelfth grade, students are expected to learn how to study, schedule their time and complete sizable assignments without procrastinating. Yet these skills often aren’t taught explicitly. With the increased self-sufficiency necessitated by virtual education, educators and parents can help students learn and manage their goals more effectively by directly teaching study skills. Read more ›

Why So Many Asian American Students Are Learning Remotely

Asian American students are far more likely to be learning remotely than members of any other racial or ethnic group in the United States. As of February 2021, almost 7 in 10 Asian American K-12 students were still learning online only, according to the U.S. Education Department’s latest school survey. That’s 12 points higher than Hispanic students, 15 points higher than Black students, and 45 points higher than white students. Read more ›

ADHD Symptoms Unmasked by the Pandemic: Diagnoses Spike Among Adults, Children

When the external scaffolding of school, work, and social routines collapsed last March, two things happened: Parents gained a front-row seat to their kids’ attentional and educational struggles during remote school, and adults’ own coping mechanisms and systems broke down, revealing core problems with motivation, memory, and organization. Read more ›

Social Justice Books [web resource]

SocialJusticeBooks.org is a project of Teaching for Change, a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide teachers and parents with the tools to create schools where students learn to read, write and change the world. Read more ›

As Support for LGBT-Inclusive Curricula Grows, Districts Navigate Persistent Challenges

Five states, California, Illinois, New Jersey, Oregon and Colorado have mandates for public schools to teach LGBT-inclusive curriculum, which varies from the roles and contributions of LGBT figures in history to sex education. Yet experts say there is very little to enforce these requirements, whether that’s districts implementing the curriculum to teachers using it in their classrooms. Read more ›

When It Comes to Children’s Picture Books, Which is Better, Paper or Pixels?

Digital picture books have been a godsend during the pandemic. With libraries shuttered and bookstores a nonessential trip, many parents have downloaded book after book on tablets and smartphones to keep their little ones reading.

But when the pandemic is over, many parents will face a dilemma. Should they revert back to print or stick with e-books? Do kids absorb and learn to read more from one format versus the other? Read more ›

Anti-Asian Violence Resources [web resource]

Since COVID-19 became news in the United States, hate speech and violence against the Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) community has spiked.

We can  encourage you to explore the following resources to learn more about history of anti-Asian racism, why it is on the rise, and the steps we can all take to address it. Read more ›

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