Learning & School

Report: Safety Tip Lines Flag Bullying, Drug Use, Suicide Risk [downloadable]

More schools are using safety tips lines, but not just for gun violence prevention — the technology is addressing bullying, drug use and suicide risk among students. Read more ›

Video-Game Therapy May Help Treat ADHD, Study Finds

A new video-game therapy has shown promise in treating attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in children, according to a new study. Read more ›

Teachers Use Meditation to Inspire and Calm

Over the past five years, “mindfulness” programs have exploded in popularity. In Grand Blanc, Mich., first-graders are breathing to the sound of Tibetan music before class. In Albuquerque, second-graders sniff and speak about raisins before eating them. In Yellow Springs, Ohio, students can choose yoga as an alternative to detention.

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5 Tips for Incorporating Social Emotional Learning in Your Program

Social emotional learning (SEL) addresses children’s ability to learn about and manage their emotions and interactions with others – the skills all kids need to succeed in school, form healthy relationships, and eventually excel in the workplace. Read more ›

How Some California School Districts Invest in Counseling – and Achieve Results

Dozens of districts across California have invested in counseling in recent years, hiring more staff to guide students through the college and career process and help with their mental health needs. Read more ›

Report: Special Education in California an ‘Urgent Priority’

One in eight students in California receives special education services, but the state’s schools are often “ill-equipped” to serve them, and funding for students with disabilities has not “kept pace with district costs,” according to a collection of research papers released Tuesday by Policy Analysis for California Education. Read more ›

SchoolSafety.gov: Resources to Create a Safer School [web resource]

The Federal School Safety Clearinghouse and SchoolSafety.gov were developed to fulfill one of the key recommendations from the Federal Commission on School Safety. Read more ›

Study: Majority of Students’ Feelings About High School Are Negative

Ask a high school student how he or she typically feels at school, and the answer you’ll likely hear is “tired,” closely followed by “stressed” and “bored.”

In a nationwide survey of 21,678 U.S. high school students, researchers from the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and the Yale Child Study Center found that nearly 75% of the students’ self-reported feelings related to school were negative. Read more ›

Program Helps Students Return to Class After a Mental Health Crisis

As many as one in five children need help with a mental health condition such as anxiety or depression. These students often have trouble processing information or focusing, which can contribute to a cycle of increased anxiety, dropping grades and missed school, say experts. Yet schools typically lack the money and staff to help students cope with what experts describe as a mental health epidemic. Read more ›

Changing Brains, Shaping the Mind – Neuroplasticity and Learning [presentation] [video]

Barbara Arrowsmith Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. In her presentation, she describes how learning difficulties impact the learner in school as well as in life,  and she discusses how one can change the brain and overcome learning challenges. Read more ›

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