Learning & School


Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance [video]

Leaving a high-flying job in consulting, Angela Lee Duckworth took a job teaching math to seventh graders in a New York public school. She quickly realized that IQ wasn’t the only thing separating the successful students from those who struggled. In the TED Talk video, she explains her theory of “grit” as a predictor of success. Read more ›


14 Must-Have Life Skills for Teens

teen451If you’re wondering how your teen will survive on their own, don’t worry too much — chances are your child is a lot more capable than you think. Even so, now is a good time to teach your teen a few practical skills that will leave both of you feeling a little more confident about your offspring’s readiness to leave the nest. Read more ›

Community Town Hall- Why the College Admissions News Hits Home450

Community Town Hall: Why the College Admissions News Hits Home: Stress, Anxiety and How to Help Your Kids [video]

The recent news about college admissions was deeply troubling to CHC and to the community because it amplifies the culture of stress around admissions and reinforces the stigma attached to learning differences and accommodations, leaving parents concerned that their kids’ evaluations won’t be taken seriously any more. Read more ›

learning 447

A Fit Over Rankings: Why College Engagement Matters More Than Selectivity [downloadable] [video]

learning 447The college admissions process can often be a top source of stress and anxiety for students. While many schools, counselors, and parents encourage students to focus on finding the “right fit” college, this advice can be difficult to follow without a better understanding of what “fit” means and what matters most — both for learning and engagement in college — and for life outcomes beyond college. Read more ›


The Right Way to Choose a College

college-446Does the brand name of the college you attend actually matter? The best research on the question suggests that, for most students, it doesn’t. Read more ›

Working Memory: The Engine for Learning

Individuals with traumatic brain injury, deafness, oral language deficits or genetic disorders such as Down Syndrome are also more likely to have weak working memory. The purpose of this fact sheet is to describe the function of working memory, discuss the impact that  weak working memory has on learning, and offer suggestions and resources for improving working memory and learning. Read more ›


The Moral Wages of the College Admissions Mania

graduation443Just what is all this scheming and obsession with status teaching children?

Getting an A in biology — and being awakened, in the process, to the wonders of the natural world — doesn’t matter if a committee of strangers at Stanford isn’t sufficiently impressed? Read more ›

Helping Middle School Students Get Ready for High School 441

Helping Middle School Students Get Ready for High School [presentation] [video]

Is your child transitioning to high school this year? Learn more about valuable aspects of a successful transition for your child in the move from middle school to high school.  Read more ›

Teaching Executive Functioning Skills in the Elementary Classroom 442

Teaching Executive Functioning Skills in the Elementary Classroom [presentation] [video] [downloadable]

This workshop for educators introduces multiple options for cultivating executive function skills within the framework of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Using subject-specific case studies, participants will develop plans that incorporate developmentally appropriate Executive Function strategies to increase student engagement, knowledge, and self-regulation.

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Movement And Breathing Breaks Help Students Stay Focused On Learning

meditation-439For many kids, sitting still all day in school is a big challenge, which is why movement breaks are good practice, whether it’s in elementary school or high school. Additionally, learning science shows us that movement activates the brain and improves cognition. Read more ›

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