Learning & School

Gifted Children With ADHD, and the Challenges Their Parents Face

With the new school year underway, some parents will have a harder time than others because of a little known, but very real phenomenon: their child is “twice exceptional.” These children have both the potential for high achievement (“gifted”) and a one or more disabilities, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or generalized anxiety. Read more ›

When Conventional Schools Don’t Work

Most kids complain about school sometimes. But if your child’s gripes come almost daily and they are begging you not to go to school at all, you might be wondering if there’s something deeper going on. Are they falling behind? Not making friends? Does the pace of instruction leave them feeling lost and confused? Read more ›

Helping Gifted Children With Common Homework Problems

The last thing most parents of gifted children would think their kids will have problems with is homework. After all, gifted children are cognitively advanced and learn quickly. Read more ›

Poor School Performance and How Parents Can Help

Regardless of your child’s age, the occasional school struggle is normal. But when that struggle becomes a pattern, it often raises concern―from parents and/or teachers. Read more ›

My Child is Falling Behind in School. Now What?

Everything seemed to be going OK. But now your child is struggling to keep up in class and is falling behind. You may wonder, is this just a rough patch? Or is something else going on? Read more ›

Four Steps to Selecting a School for Your Child

How do you pick the best school for your child? Whether you are choosing a public or private school or homeschooling, whether or not you are paying tuition, careful planning is a must. Read more ›

How to Determine If Traditional Education Isn’t Working for Your Child

Children know when something isn’t working for them but they may not have the words available to explain why. Younger children especially may know they are unhappy but not have an emotional understanding to know what is causing the problem. Read more ›

Strengths of Dyslexia – A Conversation with Charles Schwab [video]

Charles Schwab speaks with Nicole Ofiesh, former Director of the Schwab Learning Center at CHC, about his dyslexia, the gifts of his unique way of thinking and the challenges he has had to face over the lifespan. Read more ›

Enhancing Social-Emotional Learning with Self-Regulation for Learning

We all want our students to be successful. Some students come to school with greater degrees of Self Regulation for Learning, while others need more modeling and supports along the way. All students can value from keeping the ABCs (affect, behavior, cognition) in mind while learning. Read more ›

Leave Your Assumptions at the Door — A Unique Learning Center Designed for Those Who Learn Differently

written by Liza Bennigson, Associate Director of Marketing and Communications

When creative ad agency, Gershoni Creative was hired to design the space for the Schwab Learning Center at CHC (SLC@CHC), the project scope went far beyond an art installation. The goal was “to create a highly visual, immersive experience…that welcomes students and encourages thinking beyond the norm.” Read more ›

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