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Featured Resources: Executive Functioning

Media & Technology

What to Ask When Your Teen Wants to Use Social Media

First, we know from our own social media that the experience isn’t always great. How are kids supposed to deal with insensitive posts, sketchy people, privacy problems, and even FOMO—when supposedly mature grown-ups can’t even be trusted to behave appropriately? Read more >>

Parenting Wired Teens

As a parent, you want to know how much media use is too much. Should you manage your teen’s media consumption, and if so, how? How can you help your teen balance their time online and offline?  In this CHC Read more >>

Protecting Kids Online [web resource]

The opportunities kids have to socialize online come with benefits and risks. The adults in their lives can help reduce the risks by talking to kids about making safe and responsible decisions. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has created resources Read more >> [web resource]

A project of the National Domestic Violence Hotline, Loveisrespect is a safe, inclusive space for young people to access information and get help in an environment that is designed specifically for them, and to provide information and support to concerned friends and Read more >>