Mental Health & Wellness

Medicating Young Minds: How to Know If Psychiatric Drugs Will Help or Hurt Your Child

As the nation’s leading expert on psychiatric disorders in children and the leading researcher on the effects of psychiatric drugs on kids, Dr. Glen Elliott says that doctors and even teachers are too quick to recommend medicating young minds rather than taking the necessary steps to find out if drugs are even necessary. Dr. Elliott’s book, Medicating Young Minds, tells parents what to expect, the questions to ask, the treatment they deserve from a concerned doctor, and even what tests to demand to make sure that drugs are the best recourse. Read more ›

Trauma-Informed Parenting: Creating a Nurturing & Stable Home

As parents, we all want to create a safe, nurturing and stable home for our families. And the collective, cumulative trauma of the past year has made it harder than ever. So it makes sense that we might turn to trauma-informed parenting, often utilized by foster parents or those whose children have experienced trauma, for ideas. Read more ›

Considering Therapy for Your Child? How to Get Kids and Teens on Board

If your child or teen is struggling with communication, behavior or relationships, or no longer wants to participate in things that they used to enjoy, it may be time to seek help. How do you convince them that it’s time to take that step? And what can you expect when you get there?

In this Voices of Compassion podcast,  sat down with Dr. Vidya Krishnan, Head of Adolescent Mental Health Services at CHC to find out. Read more ›

Healing Together: CHC Virtual Breakfast [video]

We all have some degree of ‘re-entry anxiety’ — whether it’s going back to the workplace, sending our kids to school, or re-engaging with friends and family. The very thing we want the most — to re-enter the world — is causing unease and apprehension. This online gathering features an in-depth conversation with a blue ribbon panel of experts who will offer insights and important practical advice on re-engaging. Read more ›

How to Get Your Child to Go to Therapy

You’ve done your research and found someone who you think would be a good fit for your child. But how do you tell them that they’re going to therapy? And how do you get a reluctant child to go? Read more ›

My Teenager Doesn’t Want Help. What Should I Do?

It can be a tough thing to accept that your teenager is experiencing depression. But it can be even harder if you feel like they don’t want help.

Keeping the communication lines open is important – even if it feels like it’s just a one-way thing at the moment. The good news is, there are some simple things you can do at home to help improve your teen’s mood and well being. Read more ›

Helping Resistant Teens Into Treatment

It can be hard to get kids to agree to see a psychologist or a psychiatrist. In fact this is a common stumbling block for many parents of teenagers struggling with anything from anxiety to ADHD, depression, or an eating disorder.  Adolescents need to want to get better, and be willing to work with someone to make that happen. For treatment to work kids need to buy into it, at least a little. Read more ›

Mental Health and Connection Are More Important Than Ever [downloadable]

Children’s Health Council is leading the emotional recovery with learning and mental health services for kids, teens, young adults and families. Our mission-minded experts are committed to transforming lives with courage, connection and compassion. CHC’s areas of excellence include learning differences, ADHD, anxiety and depression and autism. Read more ›

Framing Re-Entry for Our Youth: Supporting Our Kids’ Transition Back to ‘Normal’

Feeling anxious about coming out from behind your computer screen? You are not alone. According to the APA, nearly 50% of Americans say they feel anxious about getting back to ‘normal’ post-pandemic, enough for psychologists to coin the phrase “re-entry anxiety.”

Given that we haven’t interacted in-person without some degree of fear or uncertainty in over a year, the feeling is understandable. So how do we manage our anxiety and emerge from our COVID cocoons with confidence and compassion? Read more ›

COVID-19 and Mental Health

Collective trauma is the psychological impact of a cataclysmic event experienced by a group of people of any size, including an entire nation or society. The following infographics detail the profound and far-reaching impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more ›

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