Mental Health & Wellness

ReducingIsolationAnxietyinLGBTQQTeens 373

Reducing Isolation & Anxiety in LGBTQQ+ Teens [presentation] [video]

Do you have or know a child who is questioning gender identity or has identified as LGBTQ?

Hear about how you can support these youth in this session presented by Ryan Fouts, LCSW, Outlet Program Director at Adolescent Counseling Services (ACS). Read more ›

ADHDAnxietyorBoth 365

ADHD, Anxiety or Both? [presentation] [video]

Glen Elliott, PhD, MD, psychiatrist and former Medical Director at CHC, and Chris Harris, MEd, Chief Education Officer, discuss how behaviors associated with ADHD and anxiety may both occur in the same individual but also can mimic each other, leading to confusion about the best diagnosis and the best treatment approach. Read more ›

UnderstandingDBTpartII 364

Understanding the Foundations of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Part II [presentation]

Dr. Anna Parnes, PhD, psychologist and clinician, discusses DBT skills and experiential activities for each of DBT modules: Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Distress Tolerance, and Emotion Regulation. Read more ›


American Psychiatric Association [web resource]

americanpsychiatricassoc363The American Psychiatric Association is primarily a professional organization of psychiatrists working together to ensure humane care and effective treatment for all persons with mental illness, including substance use disorders.

As a service to the community,  the American Psychiatric Association website offers accessible content that was designed for a general audience, patients, and their families.

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teletherapy 362

The Psychiatrist Can See Your Child Now, Virtually

teletherapy 362With a growing shortage of mental-health professionals for children and adolescents, more health-care providers are turning to technology.

With a rising number of teens and adolescents suffering from depression and anxiety, and too few professionals to help, remote video consults are helping pediatricians fill the gap in some communities. Read more ›

2019_0112_PAUSD Teen Suicide 356

Teen Suicide: Understanding the Warning Signs [presentation]

Suicide is the 2nd most common cause of death among 10-24 year olds. In this presentation, Vidya Krishnan, Head of Adolescent Mental Health Services at CHC, discusses the warning signs, risk factors, protective factors, and treatment options. Learn what to look for and how you as a parent can help. Read more ›

La Vida de los Adolescentes: Una Perspectiva de Desarrollo [presentation]

¿Cuáles son los desafíos, características y comportamientos típicos de un adolescente?

En esta presentación, Iria Sebastiao de CHC discute la fase adolescente y le ofrece sugerencias prácticas para manejar los retos. Read more ›

DialecticalBehaviorTherapyPart I 349

Understanding the Foundations of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Part I [presentation] [video]

Dr. Stephanie Clarke, Clinical Instructor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University School of Medicine, and clinician at RISE Comprehensive DBT Intensive Outpatient Program shares how DBT’s problem-solving and acceptance-based approaches are helping teens build lives worth living. Read more ›


How Teens Deal with Stress May Affect Their Long-Term Health

stress342Most teens get stressed out by their families from time to time, but whether they bottle those emotions up or put a positive spin on things may affect certain processes in the body, including blood pressure and how immune cells respond to bacterial invaders, according to Penn State researchers. Read more ›


Boys Need Better Access to Mental Health Care. Why Aren’t They Getting It?

depression340Mental health has become a crisis among America’s youth, and experts say the unique challenges and needs of young men are not receiving enough attention. Read more ›

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