Mental Health & Wellness


Many Ways to Be a Girl, but One Way to Be a Boy: The New Gender Rules

female282Girls have been told they can be anything they want to be, and it shows. They are seizing opportunities closed to previous generations — in science, math, sports and leadership.

But they’re also getting another message: What they look like matters more than any of that. Read more ›


The National Child Traumatic Stress Network [web resource]


The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) was created by Congress in 2000 as part of the Children’s Health Act to raise the standard of care and increase access to services for children and families who experience or witness traumatic events. Read more ›


Generation Z Reported the Most Mental Health Problems

stress280Many members of Generation Z — young people between 15 and 21 — have taken more active roles in political activism this year, and a new survey indicates that the state of the nation is to blame for this generation’s stress levels.

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Study Confirms Link Between Violent Video Games and Physical Aggression

video-controller274The latest in the long-standing debate over violent video games: They do cause players to become more physically aggressive.

An international study looking at more than 17,000 adolescents, ages nine to 19, from 2010 to 2017, found playing violent video games led to increased physical aggression over time. Read more ›


How to Harness Your Anxiety

anxiety265Anxiety has long been one of the most feared enemies in our emotional canon. We fear its arrival, feel helpless and trapped under its spell, and grant it power to overtake us in new, exciting and challenging situations. But what if we’ve been going about it all wrong? Read more ›


The Confidence Gap for Girls: 5 Tips for Parents of Tween and Teen Girls

tweengirl260The early weeks of a school year can rattle even the most self-assured kid — the swirl of new classes, teachers and tribes, and the pressure to try out new extracurriculars, sports and even personalities.

Tween and teen girls face an added challenge because their confidence is already plummeting during those years. Of course, puberty is a turbulent time for confidence in both genders. But girls experience a much more significant, dramatic drop. Read more ›


Screen Time Is Killing Teens. Could Entrepreneurs Use Screens To Also Help Save Them?

hand258Growing up has never been easy. No past generation of adolescents, however, has struggled with mental health quite like today’s teens, and this is something I see on a daily basis. Building a world for the next generation is difficult when you wonder whether the next generation will be able to enjoy it, and it’s something I think about regularly as an entrepreneur. Read more ›


Gender Nonconforming Teens Face Higher Risk of Mental Distress

gendernonconforming245Compared to teens whose gender expression matches societal expectations, gender nonconforming adolescents may be more likely to experience mental health problems, a U.S. study suggests. Read more ›

Anxiety in Children- What to Look for and How to Support Your Child243

Anxiety in Children: What to Look for and How to Support Your Child [presentation]

In this presentation,  Jennifer Hector, LMFT discusses the forms and common symptoms of anxiety in children and how you can support a child who is experiencing anxiety. Read more ›

AnxietyandADHD Harris238

Understanding ADHD & Anxiety at Home and at School [presentation]

ADHD and anxiety can occur together. When that happens, how can you as a parent effectively support your child? Learn some strategies that you can use at home and at school to make life better for your child. Presented by Chris Harris, MEd, Director of EBC Schools at CHC. Read more ›

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