Mental Health & Wellness

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SanaMente: California’s Mental Health Website and Resources for Latinos [web resource]

SanaMente132Latinos are one of the groups least likely to seek help for mental illness due to reasons which include language fluency, cultural barriers and access to health coverage. SanaMente is California’s Mental Health Movement website for the Latino community. Read more ›

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What to Do if You’re Worried About Suicide – A Parent’s Guide

depression127What do you do when you’re worried that a child might be feeling suicidal? Nadine Kaslow, PhD, psychologist and former President of the American Psychological Association, provides guidance to parents on the best ways to support a child who is in distress. Read more ›


How Bibliotherapy Can Help Students Open Up About Their Mental Health

readingbibliotherapy126Mental health concerns, like anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, can affect a student’s ability to concentrate, form friendships and thrive in the classroom. Read more ›

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LGBTQ Teens & Depression [presentation] [video]

During this teen friendly session, CHC’s adolescent therapist, Jenna Borrelli, and transgender college/school counselor, Brad Ward look deeply into the issues surrounding gender, sexual orientation and non-binary identification–often leading to higher rates of depression and suicide compared to traditional cisgender teens. Read more ›


The GenderCool Project [web resource]

GenderCoolProject121The GenderCool Project is a national storytelling campaign that seeks to reach every corner of the country with positive and powerful stories about who transgender kids and their peer allies are rather than what they are.   build understanding through storytelling about the accomplishments of these remarkable young leaders. Read more ›

Depression and Anxiety: Exercise Eases Symptoms

When you have depression or anxiety, exercise often seems like the last thing you want to do. But once you get motivated, exercise can make a big difference. Read more ›


The Challenges of Anxiety—How You Can Support Your Child [presentation]

Dr. Natalie Pon, CHC’s adolescent psychiatrist, presents practical strategies and tools to help parents manage and support their child’s anxiety. Read more ›


Building Bridges Between Mental Health and Learning Differences: Discussion and Q&A with CHC Experts [video]

Watch this Facebook Live discussion and Q&A session on learning differences and mental health, featuring three of CHC’s renowned clinical experts. Read more ›

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The Paradox of the Mother-Teen Daughter Relationship: Interactive Panel [presentation] [video]

Jenna Borrelli, an adolescent therapist at CHC, speaks about improving communication skills and managing conflicts in the mother-daughter relationship. A facilitated panel discussion follows the presentation. Read more ›


Fostering Happiness Habits in Your Teen [presentation] [video]

Scientific research has turned its focus on how happiness can be sustained and even increased. Research has confirmed that through intentional practices, we can actually change the neural pathways of our brain to become happier. In fact, only 10% of our happiness is due to our external circumstances and a full 90% is based on our inner environment! Learn how to foster happiness habits in your teen with Project Happiness Founder and CEO, Randy Taran. Read more ›

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