Mental Health & Wellness

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National Alliance on Mental Illness Santa Clara County: Services and Support [web resource]

NAMI logoThe National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is a nonprofit, grassroots, self-help, support and advocacy organization of consumers, families, and friends of people with severe mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic and other severe and persistent mental illnesses that affect the brain. Read more ›

anxiety eyes

Removing the Stigma

anxiety eyesWhat does it feel like to have a child with mental illness?

“When our daughter was diagnosed with OCD and clinical depression at age 12, we discussed treatment options with the psychiatrist. At first, we were wary of medication, as most parents are. “If your child had type 1 diabetes, wouldn’t you give her insulin?” the doctor asked. “This is a disease—in fact it’s a life threatening disease. Medication is required. And so is regular therapy.”

And that was the beginning of our journey to understanding that our daughter has an illness, it needs to be treated, and she requires ongoing special care.” Read more ›

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Screening for Depression in Children and Adolescents: Consumer Guide [downloadable]

uspstf_bnr_logo_colorMajor depressive disorder (MDD) is severe form of depression that lasts longer than two weeks and interferes with a person’s ability to function at home, at school, and interact with friends and family.

In February 2016, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommended that physicians routinely screen children between 12 and 18 for major depressive disorder (MDD) “with adequate systems in place to ensure accurate diagnosis, effective treatment, and appropriate follow-up.” Read more ›

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What Can Parents Do to Decrease the Risk of Suicide in Their Children?

sunset family silhouetteThere is no single cause of suicide — the act can arise from any combination of multiple factors — biological, environmental, psychological and situational. As a community, we agree that whatever can be done to mitigate these factors must be done; where we disagree, however, is where one might expect: What does “whatever can be done” entail?

Palo Alto psychiatrist Dr. Adam Strassberg provides suggestions to help us all “Keep Calm and Parent On” in an article published in Palo Alto Online. Read more ›

Community Education

Depression and Suicide: What Are the Warning Signs? [presentation]

For youth between 10-24 years old, suicide is the third leading cause of death. In this presentation, Dr. Glen Elliott covers the definitions of depression and suicidality, provides an overview of troubled behavior, and discusses some treatment options and resources.
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How Parents Can Help with Teen Mental Health

Under the direction of Dr. Ramsey Khasho, CHC staff members and other expert contributors provide answers to questions about the serious issue of teen anxiety and depression in our community. Read more ›

How Peers Can Help with Teen Mental Health

Under the direction of Dr. Ramsey Khasho, CHC staff members and other expert contributors provide answers to questions about the serious issue of teen anxiety and depression in our community. Read more ›

Other Concerns About Teen Mental Health

Under the direction of Dr. Ramsey Khasho, CHC staff members and other expert contributors provide answers to questions about the serious issue of teen anxiety and depression in our community. Read more ›

Introduction to Teen Mental Health

Under the direction of Dr. Ramsey Khasho, CHC staff members and other expert contributors provide answers—in a series of posts—to questions about the serious issue of teen anxiety and depression in our community.

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Middle School Kids Ages 10-12 and Younger & Concerns About Mental Health

Under the direction of Dr. Ramsey Khasho, CHC staff members and other expert contributors provide answers to questions about the serious issue of teen anxiety and depression in our community. Read more ›

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