Youth mental health has worsened significantly over the past decade, but new interventions that teach positive psychology concepts in school may help. Read more >>
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Youth mental health has worsened significantly over the past decade, but new interventions that teach positive psychology concepts in school may help. Read more >>
Stimulating Curiosity to Enhance Learning
People find it easier to learn about topics that interest them. Recent neuroscience research has demonstrated that memory is improved when the learning material is something they are curious about. Read more >>
5 Tips for Parents of New Kindergartners Who Are Younger Than Their Classmates
A good kindergarten experience sets kids up for success in school and into adulthood. Students in smaller kindergarten classes are more likely to go to college than students from larger classes. And by age 27, students who had more experienced Read more >>
Children in Remote School Faced More Sleep, Behavior and Social Challenges
Millions of children spent months, even more than a year, attending school virtually from kitchen tables, bedrooms and laptops during the pandemic. And this shift to computer-based learning may have led to negative consequences for younger kids, suggests a new Read more >>
Common Sense Media & Common Sense Education [web resource]
Since 2003, Common Sense has been a leading source of entertainment and technology recommendations for families and schools. Read more >>
Rising Parental Expectations Linked to Perfectionism in College Students
Rising parental expectations and criticism are linked to an increase in perfectionism among college students, which can have damaging mental health consequences, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association. Read more >>
California Adds a Mental Health Curriculum Requirement in K-12
On Jan. 1, a new law took effect, mandating that the California Department of Education include mental health in state standards by Jan. 1, 2023. Districts must begin teaching the new curriculum by Jan. 1, 2024. The law requires that Read more >>
Schools Confront a Wave of Student Misbehavior, Driven by Months of Remote Learning
School districts across the U.S. say they are seeing a surge of student misbehavior in the return to in-person learning, after months of closures and disruptions due to the pandemic. Schools have seen an increase in both minor incidents, like Read more >>
Benefits of Early Math Experiences Add Up
While literacy is often seen as a cornerstone to scholastic achievement, and many parents devote a lot of time and energy into nurturing their small child’s love of reading, studies show that mathematical reasoning ability may be even more crucial Read more >>
California Students With Disabilities Can Enroll in Independent Study, Judge Rules
Students in special education who had been denied access to independent study won their first round in court on November 5, when a judge ordered those students’ school districts to reinstate their remote learning plans. Read more >>
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Español: 650.688.3650
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