News & Research

Book: Professional Well-Being: Enhancing Wellness Among Psychiatrists, Psychologists, and Mental Health Clinicians

Although data exist to support the notion that physician self-care is correlated with patient care, the culture of medicine has traditionally valued the ideals of self-sacrifice and perfectionism — often to the detriment of clinicians themselves. Read more ›

Strategies and Life Hacks That Can Help Anyone With ADHD or Attention Problems

For millions of adults throughout the world, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, best known as ADHD, is a persistent disorder that begins in childhood and is characterized by inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity, or a combination thereof. Read more ›

Stanford Team Finds Benefits to Online Autism Treatment

In the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, Stanford Medicine researchers had to pause a study of autism treatment in preschoolers. The participants, young children with speech delays, had been coming to Stanford 12 hours a week for a therapy called pivotal response treatment, which uses autistic children’s interests to motivate them to talk. Read more ›

It’s Time to Screen All Kids for Anxiety, Physicians’ Task Force Recommends

An influential panel of experts says all kids ages eight to 18 should be screened regularly for anxiety. This draft recommendation by the United States Preventative Task Force comes at a time when mental health problems among kids have escalated and are overwhelming the health system. Read more ›

Common Sense Media & Common Sense Education [web resource]

Since 2003, Common Sense has been a leading source of entertainment and technology recommendations for families and schools.  Read more ›

Rising Parental Expectations Linked to Perfectionism in College Students

Rising parental expectations and criticism are linked to an increase in perfectionism among college students, which can have damaging mental health consequences, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association. Read more ›

LinkedIn Adds ‘Dyslexic Thinking’ to Skills List in Effort to Destigmatize

In addition to its many other listed skills, LinkedIn now cites ‘Dyslexic Thinking’ among the talents its users can claim. The new label, which is live from today (March 31), seeks to destigmatize dyslexia among employers and the wider public as part of a campaign by Made by Dyslexia. To support the effort, has also redefined the term as ‘strengths in creative, problem-solving and communication skills.’ Read more ›

Do Masks in School Affect Kids’ Speech and Social Skills?

Some parents express worry that masks might interfere with children’s ability to learn or to socialize. Other parents fear that unmasking will lead to more COVID-19 cases.

Amid the debate, a small but growing body of research is offering hints that masks do not have a significant impact on speech or social skills. Read more ›

How Does The Teenage Brain Make Decisions?

Teenagers often make risky choices that appear absurd in the eyes of their parents. But neuroscientist Adriana Galván says these decisions are critical for adolescent brain development.
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Autism and Gender Dysphoria

Survey data from Autism Parenting Magazine reveals almost 6% of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have some form of gender dysphoria. Read more ›

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