
9 Tools for Helping Your Child Manage Anxiety

Many tools can help your children work through anxiety. These are strategies licensed mental health clinicians use with people in therapy, and research has found these strategies to be beneficial in treating and managing anxiety. Read more ›

Why Is It Important to Talk About Race and Racism?

When we teach kids early on that it’s OK to talk about race, we help them to understand, respect, and appreciate the differences between people. This builds empathy and compassion for others so that kids are better able to see when things in their world seem unjust or unfair — and can do something about it. Read more ›

It’s Never Too Early to Talk With Children About Race

Infants as young as six months old can recognize differences in skin color. By age two and a half, research has shown, children prefer playmates who are similar in race and gender. And as early as age three, they are forming judgments about people based on racial differences.

What children learn, hear, and witness from family members, friends, and others in their communities about race plays a major role in how they view people who are different from them, according to Yale experts. Read more ›

I Don’t Want to Label My Child

We are all different, and we know that not every child fits into a specific category. Is your child struggling with learning or behavioral outbursts? Your child is not broken and you are not a bad parent. Read more ›

Resources for Responding to Trauma

After a tragic event, you may find yourself struggling with how to talk to your child about their feelings and fears. Read more ›

5 Simple Tips to Improve Teen Sleep Habits

Teenagers may experience difficulty falling or staying asleep, or insomnia, for many reasons. Disrupted sleep can negatively impact your teen’s mental and physical health. Read more ›

Sleep Problems in Your Teen: Care Instructions

Children in their teenage years may begin having problems sleeping. There is no “right” amount of sleep for teens. Each child’s needs are different. But some teens have sleep problems that keep them from getting the sleep they need. Read more ›

How to Help Kids Understand and Manage Their Emotions

Babies cry, toddlers have tantrums. At some point, parents expect their kids to start managing their feelings without epic meltdowns. Read more ›

Drop the Labels! Kids Shine When We Focus on Strengths

Are you familiar with labeling theory? Sociology buffs probably are. It proposes that people come to both identify and behave in ways reflecting the labels we place on them— Essentially, how we label people impacts their behavior. Read more ›

4 Easy Habits to Build Your Child’s Self Esteem with Your Words

Even if they don’t show it, even if they act like they don’t care, on some level our children believe everything we say about them. Why not leverage our children’s trust in what we say to empower them to become their best selves? Read more ›

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