
brenebrownTED 404

TEDx Talk: The Power of Vulnerability [video]

Brené Brown is a research professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work. She has spent more than a decade studying vulnerability, courage, authenticity and shame. In a poignant, funny talk, she shares a deep insight from her research, one that sent her on a personal quest to know herself as well as to understand humanity. Read more ›

stressed teen 401

How to Help Teenage Girls Reframe Anxiety and Strengthen Resilience

stressed teen 401In the last decade, rates of anxiety-related disorders in teenagers have steadily risen, particularly in girls. Researchers and psychologists posit several hypotheses about why these rates are on the rise — from digital hyperconnectivity to heightened external pressures to simply a greater awareness, and therefore diagnosis, of mental health concerns. Read more ›

ADHD and Medication396

ADHD and Medication [presentation] [video]

If your child has ADHD, you know that there are a variety of interventions, including medication. This class focused on medication as a treatment option. Hear from ADHD expert and psychiatrist, Dr. Glen Elliott about medications and guidelines for using medication as a treatment for ADHD. Read more ›


Screen Time for Kids Under 2 More Than Doubles, Study Finds

Screen time has more than doubled for children under 2 years old since 1997, a study published Monday in the journal JAMA Pediatrics found, with time spent in front of a TV as the main driver despite a changing screen landscape. Read more ›

The Trans Experience- A Panel Discussion 387

The Trans Experience: A Panel Discussion [video]

Transgender issues are complex and new to many people. Gain greater understanding of the transgender experience and learn how to better support the transgender youth in your life.  Read more ›

Strategies for Parents of Kids With ADHD 386

Strategies for Parents of Kids with ADHD [presentation] [video]

Parenting a child with ADHD has its challenges. There are strategies that you can learn and use that can make a big difference for your child. In this parent education class, learn more about how you can support your child with ADHD. Presented by Kendra Fraka, MSW, Licensed Clinical Social Worker at CHC. Read more ›


Apps You’ve Never Heard of That Your Teen is Already Using

socialmedia379Of course, it’s nearly impossible to keep up with every hot new app, which makes knowing the risky features — like interaction with strangers, anonymity, privacy concerns, and iffy content — a solid first step. But it’s still important to know the specifics of what’s on your kid’s device and whether or not you’ll allow it to stay there. Read more ›

Teen Suicide: What are the Warning Signs? [presentation] [video]

Learn more about risk factors and reasons for suicidal and self-harm behaviors in teens, warning signs, and how to help your teen stay safe. Presented by Stephanie Clarke, PhD and Michele Berk, PhD Asst. Professor Stanford, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Read more ›


Teens, Social Media and Mental Health [presentation] [video]

Learn what kids are telling us about social media and the benefits and challenges of living in a connected world.After a brief presentation from My Digital TAT2, students representing CHC’s Teen Wellness Committee and My Digital TAT2’s Youth Advisory Board hold a panel discussion about social media and life online. Read more ›


Five Ways to Help Children with ADHD Develop Their Strengths

adhd374Dr. Sharon Saline, author of What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew, is a psychotherapist who works with children diagnosed with ADHD and their families. She argues that an informed empathy for ADHD children —  for what they experience on a daily basis — can inspire parents and teachers to work with these children in ways that will help them grow into responsible and happy adults. Read more ›

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