
Community Education

Tools & Techniques for Managing Challenging Behavior: Visual Supports [presentation]

Jody M. Miller, EdD, BCBA discusses how you can create and use several types of visual supports to help manage your child’s challenging behavior. Read more ›


Your Child Faces Challenges: What’s Your Journey? [video]

Do you have a child with a learning a disability or inattention challenges? Hear from parents who have “been there, done that.” This parent panel of strong child advocates share their story of how they worked long and hard to get their children with learning disabilities or inattention (ADHD) ready for college and beyond. Read more ›


Resources for Explaining Tragedies to Your Children

tragicevent06At CHC, we understand how challenging it is to quell the anxiety and fear that may affect your children in the aftermath of a shooting or similar traumatic event. Read more ›

fighting in front of kids

Fighting in Front of Children

Fighting, as opposed to disagreeing respectfully, indicates hostility, which in most cases is unproductive for resolving a disagreement and is stressful for kids to observe. Regardless of whether your argument included swearing or name-calling, kids pick up on nonverbal cues such as body language and tone of voice. They can tell when their parents are fighting. Read more ›


Healthy Speech & Language Development

Should you worry if your 2 and 1/2 year old isn’t talking?  At this age, what’s typical is broadly defined. It’s important to keep track of your child’s milestones and seek professional guidance, if appropriate, to make sure delayed speech isn’t a sign of a more serious problem. Read more ›


ADHD Treatment Beyond Medication

Written by Vivien Keil, PhD, Neuropsychologist and Clinical Director

/resourcelibrary/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Adhdmedication202.jpgWhat would a non-drug treatment plan for ADHD consist of? A good plan will vary based on the biggest challenges your child is facing. But even the best plan will only be as effective as its implementation. Read more ›

Does My Child Need ADHD Medication?

Written by Glen Elliott, PhD, MD

My son was recently diagnosed with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). He’s seven-years-old and often has trouble focusing in class. It seems like he’s getting in trouble every day, either for being disruptive or for distracting the other kids. Read more ›


Tantrums & Giving In

tantrumQ: I know I give in too easily, but I want to avoid tantrums and meltdowns. Any advice?
A: Make a plan in advance to avert the stress of meltdowns.
Read more ›

When Your Child Worries: Understanding and Easing Childhood Anxiety

by Megan Allen, PhD, Psychologist

It is Monday morning and your son complains he has a stomachache and doesn’t want to go to school.  You know he’s not sick, but for the last two months his tummy aches have been a common occurrence.  What is going on? Read more ›


Helping Your Child Forge Friendships

friends-516341_1280While every parent hopes that his child will fit in and be accepted, making friends is not easy for all children. Read more ›

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