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Featured Resources: Executive Functioning

Resources for Teens

Executive Functioning: High School and Beyond

For students with learning differences, the shifts from online learning to hybrid to in-person (and back) have made a part of their life that is already challenging exceedingly more difficult.  In this Voices of Compassion podcast episode, we sat down Read more >>

How to Support Someone Who Self-Harms

Discovering that a friend or relative self-harms can be extremely upsetting. It can be hard to understand why a person would deliberately hurt themselves, and people often go through a range of emotions, like feeling shocked, angry, saddened, confused or Read more >>

Schwab Learning Center at CHC

The Schwab Learning Center at CHC celebrates the fact that we all learn in a variety of ways. We help college and high school students with diverse learning challenges succeed in all areas of their lives. Read more >>

College Students with ADHD

Most people with ADHD are diagnosed before college. However, some people may not recognize the signs and symptoms of ADHD until they are at college. Trying to balance school work and the freedom of living away from home for the Read more >>

Succeeding in College with ADHD

Heading off to college and wondering how you’ll cope with your ADHD symptoms? First, know that you are not alone. Plenty of people who have ADHD or its symptoms have succeeded in college. That includes learning how to deal with Read more >>