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Featured Resources: Executive Functioning

Social & Emotional Learning

Wise Words from Winnie the Pooh

Written by Cindy Lopez, Director, Community Connections I have always been a big fan of Winnie the Pooh—so much wisdom and inspiration from a stuffed bear. Here are some lessons from that bear—which one means the most to you? Read more >>

9 Tips for Raising More Empathetic Kids

In her book “UnSelfie: Why Empathetic Kids Succeed in Our All-About-Me World,” educational psychologist and parenting expert Dr. Michele Borba lays out nine ways to raise kids who are more caring, compassionate, and concerned about others. Read more >>

Study: Skateboarding Fosters 21st Century, SEL Skills

Partnerships between schools and skateboarding nonprofits, acknowledging the diversity among the skateboarding community, and linking skateboarders to internships and opportunities to use the skills they’ve developed through the sport are among recommendations researchers at the University of Southern California offer Read more >>