Resources for Teens


EdRev Expo 2018 Workshop: Speaking the College Language —How to be a Savvy Student [downloadable]

speakingcollegelanguage100Many students transitioning from high school to college are unaware of post-secondary terminologies that play a crucial role in successful navigation of the post-secondary landscape. This is particularly true of students with learning and attention issues, who are focused on just getting to class on time, completing homework and accessing accommodations. Students need to build awareness of strategic approaches for self-help beyond ADA accommodations. Read more ›


Anxiety in Teens [web resource]

Founded in 2006, Anxiety In Teens is a non-profit whose mission is to equip young adults with tools and community to advance emotional wellness.  The Anxiety In Teens website is the place where teens, college students, and parents can find all things millennial and Gen Z mental health. Anxiety In Teens’ content is for youth and by youth.  Read more ›

FB bullying prevention

Facebook’s Bullying Prevention Hub [web resource]

FB bullying preventionBullying can take place anywhere and comes in many different forms. Unfortunately, many young people are, at one time or another, bullied, harassed, or abused on social media platforms. To combat bullying, Facebook created a Bullying Prevention Hub, which is an online resource center with suggestions for teens, parents and educators on how to address bullying — both online and off. Read more ›

Yale Center Dyslexia

The Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity [web resource] [downloadable]

Yale Center DyslexiaThe Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity conducts dyslexia research, and it is a leading source of advocacy and information to better the lives of people with dyslexia. Read more ›

To Write Love on Her Arms [web resource]

To Write Love on Her Arms is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide.

TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire, and invest directly into treatment and recovery. Read more ›


The Resilience Approach to Making Friends, Managing Anger, and Stopping Bullying [video]

friends-2019068_640Brooks Gibbs is a social skills educator who teaches strategies for conflict resolution with a special emphasis on emotional resilience and the Golden Rule. Read more ›


Be the One: Six True Stories of Teens Overcoming Hardship with Hope

betheonebookcoverIn his book Be the One, ABC News chief national correspondent and Nightline coanchor, Byron Pitts shares the stories of six young people  who overcame impossible circumstances with extraordinary perseverance. Read more ›


STOMP Out Bullying

STOMP Out Bullying is a national nonprofit dedicated to changing the culture for all students. It works to reduce and prevent bullying, cyberbullying, sexting and other digital abuse, educates against homophobia, LGBTQ discrimination, racism and hatred, and deters violence in schools, online and in communities across the country. Read more ›

igns of anxiety and depression

Anxiety and Depression: Know the Signs and How to Help [downloadable]

How do you know if you or someone you care about is suffering from anxiety or depression?  The symptoms can be subtle, and they may develop over time. This downloadable handout lists the signs and changes in behavior that are indicators of anxiety or depression. If you identify these symptoms in yourself or someone else, the next step is to get help.

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Your Life Your Voice [web resource]

Your Life Your Voice is the website for the Boys Town National Hotline, a free resource established in 1989 for kids, ​teens, and young adults.  ​​​​​Counselors are available 24/7 and have a wide range of experiences working with kids and families who are frustrated, anxious, depressed, faced with an overwhelming challenge, or just need someone to talk to. Read more ›

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