Kids start developing communication skills from the moment they’re born. Newborns quickly begin to recognize important sounds in their environment, such as their parents’ voices. As they grow, babies start recognizing the sounds that form language, such as the way syllables, words, and sentences work.
Fostering Language Development
The first three years of a child’s life are the most critical for speech and language development because the brain is best able to absorb language during this period. That’s why it’s important to talk, listen, read, sing, and play games with young children and help teach important language skills that will last a lifetime.
Visit First 5 California‘s online Activity Center for recommendations on activities you can do with your child to support language development:
- For infants, see Baby Chatter.
- Help toddlers develop vocabulary and comprehension skills with the Measure Your Treasure activity.
- Spend quality time with preschoolers doing a nature activity such as Bird-Watching together.
Reading to your child promotes language development, and it’s never too early to start! Your local library is an excellent source for children’s books. Another option: Download First 5 California’s free, bilingual e-book (PDF) about making healthy food choices, Potter the Otter: A Tale About Water.
The First 5 California website for parents and caregivers is packed with information and free resources to help children ages 0 to 5 and their families thrive. Explore the website for information on health and nutrition, cognitive and physical development, childcare, safety concerns, services and support for parents, and more.
Source: First 5 California | First 5 Learning Center – Language Development, | ©2019 First 5 California
To schedule an evaluation or to get advice about your child’s challenges, call or email a CHC Care Coordinator at 650.688.3625 or
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