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For Fear Of Being Labeled ‘Loco’, Hispanics Dodge Mental Health Resources And Suffer

In the United States alone, more than 16% of the Latinx community struggles with a mental health condition. This is nearly 10 million people.  And while mental health doesn’t discriminate against any one community, it does affect non-White populations at prolonged rates. Such that, depression in Blacks and Hispanics is likely to be more persistent than in White populations. Read more »

Dual Language Learners: Resources for Educators and Caregivers [web resource]

These resources from the Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center offer information and guidance on the needs of children who are acquiring two or more languages at the same time or are learning a second language while developing their first. Read more »

Bilingual Books for Emergent Bilinguals

Bilingual books are not about simply placing the books in your library and hoping they will get utilized by your students. Likewise, the books are not an answer to diversity issues in your classroom teaching. Bilingual books deal with the same issues that monolingual books address: colorism, gender, and more. Read more »

Emergent Bilingual Students: Shifting to An Asset Model of Instruction

For years, ELL students have been regarded as students who come with a deficit, or gaps, in their knowledge. The assumption is that these students must be taught English in order to assimilate into our culture and ultimately be successful in school. On the other hand, to regard these students as “emergent bilingual,” suggests that there is value in their native language and cultural background, in addition to other contributions they bring to the classroom. Read more »

Dual Language Learners: Hearing Language is Learning

Babies are born “citizens of the world.” Children can tell the difference between all the sounds in all the world’s languages at birth. By the time they turn one year old, infants have become “language specialists.” At 10 to 12 months, infants no longer hear the differences between sounds in other languages. Read more »

Supporting Emergent Bilingual Children in Early Learning [downloadable]

Supporting Emergent Bilingual Children in Early Learning from Education Development Center (EDC) draws on current research into how children learn, giving educators promising practices for supporting the diverse needs of young learners. Read more »

Mental Health Resources for the Latino Community

Latino communities often struggle to find quality care. Fortunately, there are a number of organizations that offer care and support to those in the Latino community. Read more »

Help Your Child Learn to Regulate Their Emotions with Tucker the Turtle [video] [downloadable]

Tucker the Turtle is a fun interactive resource created to help children and families learn strategies to work through big feelings like anger. This user-friendly resource helps teach emotional regulation with a few simple steps. Read more »

The Heart of a Parent

The journey of a parent is often a winding path, sometimes obscured by the unknown, yet it’s rich in challenges that can become catalysts for growth and understanding. In this special podcast episode, we have a conversation with Jen Ullyot, a parent coach who has longtime connections with CHC through her kids and more. Read more »

Parental Fatigue: A Self-Care Guide for Parents of Children With Special Needs

Parenting is challenging, even in ideal circumstances. Certain parents, such as those who have children with special needs, are particularly vulnerable to parental fatigue, also known as “compassion fatigue,” and its negative health impact. Read more »

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