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For Teachers and Parents—21 Anti-Racism Videos To Share With Kids [web resource]

The United States has a racism problem. The idea of tackling such complicated and hurtful topics in our homes and classrooms is daunting, but we can’t look away. We must face it. Fortunately, we live in a time when technology provides resources, such as the anti-racism videos that are designed to support us as we navigate these difficult and painful conversations. Read more »

Momentum: A Race Forward Podcast

Momentum: A Race Forward Podcast features movement voices, stories, and strategies for racial justice. Co-hosts Chevon Drew and Hiba Elyass give their unique takes on race and pop culture, and uplift narratives of hope, struggle, and joy, as we continue to build the momentum needed to advance racial justice in our policies, institutions, and culture. Read more »

Creating the Space to Talk About Race in Your School [downloadable]

Racial dynamics, disparities and divisions permeate our society, communities, schools and classrooms. Systemic racism is so deeply rooted in our history, culture and institutions that there’s no escaping it. Visible or not, its impacts are ever present. Read more »

The New Adolescence: Raising Happy and Successful Teens in an Age of Anxiety and Distraction

 The New Adolescence is a handbook for parents that offers road-tested, science-based solutions for raising happy, healthy, and successful teenagers. Read more »

Beyond the Golden Rule: A Parent’s Guide to Preventing and Responding to Prejudice [downloadable]

Whether you are the parent of a 3-year-old who is curious about why a friend’s skin is brown, the parent of a 9-year-old who has been called a slur because of his religion, or the parent of a 15-year-old who snubs those outside of her social clique at school, this book is designed to help you teach your children to honor the differences in themselves and in others — and to reject prejudice and intolerance. Read more »

Podcast: 10 Things Every White Teacher Should Know When Talking About Race in the Classroom

Are you a teacher who is frustrated with conversations about race right now, wants to have hard conversations, support your students, and step up as an advocate and ally, but you just don’t know how to talk about racial issues and are afraid of saying the wrong thing? This podcast is for you. Read more »

Gay-Straight Alliances at School Cut Bullying for LGBTQ Youth

LGBTQ students attending schools with gay-straight alliance programs in place reported experiencing less bullying and better health outcomes than their LGBTQ peers whose schools lacked such programs, according to a national survey. Read more »

Nobody’s Free Until Everybody’s Free

Written by Ramsey Khasho, PsyD

Day 90.

I’m not in my garage anymore. I’m out in the world again. But it’s an entirely different world than the one I left. Read more »

Broadening Your Library: Racism and Social Justice Books for Elementary and Middle School Students [downloadable]

It is never too early to talk to children about issues such as racism, diversity, and social injustice. Reading and talking about books provides an entry point to discussing these complex topics. Read more »

Four Ways Racial Inequity Harms American Schoolchildren

Equity has long been a problem in American education. In many ways, the issues playing out between police and communities of color — including implicit bias and overly harsh punishment — are playing out in schools, too. Read more »

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