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Erika’s Lighthouse [web resource]

Erika’s Lighthouse is a not-for-profit dedicated to educating and raising awareness about adolescent depression, encouraging good mental health and breaking down the stigma surrounding mental health issues. Read more »

Wise Words from Winnie the Pooh

Written by Cindy Lopez, Director, Community Connections

I have always been a big fan of Winnie the Pooh—so much wisdom and inspiration from a stuffed bear.

Here are some lessons from that bear—which one means the most to you? Read more »

Building Social Skills in Kids with Autism [presentation] [video]

Building Social Skills in Kids with Autism 534We are rarely taught explicit social rules because we are just expected to figure them out. It’s quite complicated and many children on the Autism Spectrum struggle to navigate their social worlds. Learn the strategies and explicit skills that will help your child handle social expectations in their different environments. Read more »

Thoughts From My Garage

Written by Ramsey Khasho, PsyD

It’s our eleventh day of “shelter-in-place.”

I’m working remotely from my garage, a makeshift office comprised of a dining room chair, portable folding table and a laptop. My wife, who is not a teacher, is in the house helping our three kids “distance learn,” trying to get them to focus on fractions and word problems. Read more »

Why the Preteen Years Are a Critical Period for Brain Development

Aside from experiencing physical changes, preteens also undergo a brain growth spurt much like toddlers. Ron Dahl, who directs the Institute for Human Development at the University of California, Berkeley, argues that adolescence is actually a second opportunity to invest in children because of the enormous brain development during this period. Read more »

How to Adapt to a Stressful Situation

Often when people face a new and stressful situation, they feel overwhelmed at the thought that they may have to deal with this stress for an extended period of time.

The good news is that there are things that can be done to mitigate the stress of virtually any situation, even if the situation itself is there to stay for a while. Read more »

NIH Study Suggests Children of Mothers With PCOS May Be at Higher Risk for Anxiety, ADHD

Children born to women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) may be at higher risk for anxiety, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and behavioral problems, compared to children whose mothers do not have the infertility disorder, according to National Institutes of Health researchers. Read more »

Developing Lifelong Learners [video]

If you’re a parent and want your children to develop into lifelong learners, there are a range of things that you can do. The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development created a video series in which NICHD experts provide tips on how to encourage lifelong learning in your children using math, language, and reading skills. Read more »

How Sleep Helps Teens Deal With Social Stress

A new Michigan State University study found that a good night’s sleep does adolescents good — beyond helping them stay awake in class. Adequate sleep can help teens navigate challenging social situations. Read more »

9 Tips for Raising More Empathetic Kids

In her book “UnSelfie: Why Empathetic Kids Succeed in Our All-About-Me World,” educational psychologist and parenting expert Dr. Michele Borba lays out nine ways to raise kids who are more caring, compassionate, and concerned about others. Read more »

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