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Raising Gifted / 2e Girls

Legendary country singer Tammy Wynette sang, “Sometimes it’s hard to be a woman…” But you know what’s really hard? Being a middle school girl. Or a high school girl. Or even an elementary school girl. And being gifted or 2e (twice exceptional; meaning being both gifted and having another exceptionality, such as ADHD, autism, dyslexia, anxiety, etc.) adds an additional level of complexity. Read more »

How to Motivate and Engage Twice Exceptional Learners

Gifted learners with a learning difference like ADHD are also referred to as twice exceptional or 2e.

The founder of With Understanding Comes Calm, Julie Skolnick, MA, JD, offers tips for working with gifted learners with ADHD. Read more »

Defining LGBTQ Terms and Concepts

This guide produced by the Annie E. Casey Foundation defines some com­mon terms — and pro­motes the use of accu­rate, authen­tic and inclu­sive lan­guage — to bet­ter equip adults to sup­port LGBTQ youth, serve as their advo­cates and help them thrive. Read more »

The Strengths of ADHD

Along with its challenges, ADHD also brings unique strengths. Those strengths are often overshadowed by challenges, so in today’s episode we want to shed light on the strengths!

In this Voices of Compassion episode, we explore these strengths and how understanding strengths can transform the way we think about ADHD and how we can support our students with ADHD.
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Flipping the Script on ADHD: Find Your Strength in the Workplace and Dispel the Myths Along Your Path

If you have ADHD, you’ve probably been told to look for a job that will accommodate your ADHD weaknesses.

Many people have found careers they love that are different than those said to be “right” for someone with ADHD. You’re one of a kind. Having ADHD is only one facet to consider when choosing a career. You don’t belong in a box! Read more »

ADHD Resources from the MIND Institute [web resource]

Built by families for families, the MIND Institute at the University of California in Davis offers a variety of resources on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Read more »

Anxiety, Stress, and Vaping

Stress and anxiety can trigger vape cravings, and make it harder for you to quit for good. You may be tempted to reach for your vape when you have these feelings, but vaping is not an effective way to cope. There are healthy and effective ways to deal with stress and anxiety. Read more »

10 Reasons Why Anxiety Sucks… the Life Out of Me

Anxiety sucks… literally. I don’t like the word “sucks,” and would rather use “stinks,” but sucks is more appropriate. I use “sucks” because anxiety literally sucks the life out of me sometimes. Read more »

Five Ways to Help Children Cope in a Violent World

The world can be a scary place for all of us, but especially children. As adults, we can choose to avoid or limit our social media and news coverage.  But children often get exposed to violence, or news of violence, without warning. Read more »

Six Tips for Explaining War to Children

In an ever-changing world, parents and educators are too often faced with explaining complex and challenging events to children. And perhaps nothing is more difficult to explain than violence, particularly war and armed conflict. Read more »

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