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Shelton_Maintaining Resiliency During the Late Night Melt Down

EdRev Expo 2019 Workshop: Maintaining Resiliency During the Late Night Melt Down [presentation]

Is your child/family going through a transition that’s turning your household upside down? Perhaps it’s a new school, or grade level…and it’s pushing you to the edge of your limits.  Learn what building and sustaining resiliency may look like for your family, especially in the most difficult of circumstances.
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Parnello_Understanding Dyslexia and Accommodations

EdRev Expo 2019 Workshop: Understanding Dyslexia and Accommodations [presentation]

What is dyslexia and how does it affect students in the classroom? In this session, CHC’s Lisa Parnello, Literary Specialist and Wilson credentialed trainer,  identifies key characteristics of dyslexia and how it can present in the classroom. Participants also learn about accommodations to help students with dyslexia as well as evidence-based programs that help remediate reading and spelling difficulties. Read more »

Fessel_Navigating the Maze of Mental Health Insurance

EdRev Expo 2019 Workshop: Navigating the Maze of Health Insurance for Mental Health Related Interventions [presentation]

Presenter Karen Fessel provides an overview of some of  the steps involved in getting insurance to cover intensive mental health treatments for teens, including outdoor and traditional residential therapies, along with day treatment and outpatient mental health treatments. Read more »


EdRev Expo 2019 Workshop: Anxiety and the Twice Exceptional Child [presentation] [video]

What does it mean when your child has been identified as twice exceptional? Students who are twice exceptional have unique challenges. They often experience anxiety as a result of some of those challenges. CHC’s Vivien Keil, PhD, talks about the makeup of a twice exceptional student, why they experience anxiety, and how you can help. Read more »


Debate on LGBT Rights Contributed to Homophobic Bullying

bullyingresearch505Scientists have uncovered new evidence that heated political discourse over proposed laws involving marginalized groups, such as debates about the rights of LGBT people, can contribute to an increase in bullying linked to students’ identity in schools. It is the largest study to date to examine the link.

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Here’s What Teens Say They Need

teengirl503Educators are trained to provide students with the help they need to thrive both academically and socially. It’s important, however, to recognize that our experiences may be, and most likely are, very different from what our students experience today. Read more »


Cops and No Counselors: How the Lack of School Mental Health Staff is Harming Students [downloadable]

CopsandNoCounselors503Today’s school children are experiencing record levels of depression and anxiety, alongside multiple forms of trauma.

Cops and No Counselors: How the Lack of School Mental Health Staff is Harming Students reviews state-level student-to-school-based mental health personnel ratios as well as data concerning law enforcement in schools. Read more »

75% of Staff at this Successful IT Company Are on the Autism Spectrum

Ultra Testing is a  New York-based software testing and quality assurance startup that employs over 60 workers remotely across 20 states, 75% of whom are on the autism spectrum. Not only is the company open to hiring neurodiverse employees, it actively seeks them out. Read more »

boy disabled youth 499

Disabled Youth Are More at Risk of Being Incarcerated

boy disabled youth 499The school-to-prison pipeline describes a national trend that stems from policies, laws, and practices in which children are funneled out of school and into the criminal justice system. A common thread linking the experiences of most children who end up in this pipeline is routinely ignored: disability. Read more »

SLP 497

When Should You Seek the Advice of a Speech-Language Pathologist?

Written by Nova Consunto, Speech-Language Pathologist  at CHC

SLP 497With kids’ speech and language abilities developing at such different rates, it’s hard to know when to be concerned about delays. Here are the top ten indicators that it might be time to consult with a Speech-Language Pathologist. Read more »

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