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Diagnosing and Managing Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) [downloadable]

autism460Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that affects behavior, communication and social functioning.

Psychologists can play an important role diagnosing ASD and helping people cope with and manage the challenges associated with the disorder. Read more »


Helping Students with Dyslexia Prepare for the ACT

dyslexia459The ACT test determines a student’s college placement and funding opportunities. Because it is a reading test, students with language-based learning difficulties need extra preparation and accommodations to do well. It may be uncomfortable to be the one who finally points out that an older student is struggling with reading, but it has to be done. Read more »


Coping After Suicide Loss: Tips for Grieving Adults, Children, and Schools [downloadable]

Death by suicide is always a tragic event. It can trigger a host of complicated and confusing emotions. Whether you are coping with the loss of a loved one, or are helping a child or adult navigate such a loss, these tools from the American Psychological Association can help. Read more »


After a Suicide: A Toolkit for Schools [downloadable]

afterasuicide457After a Suicide: A Toolkit for Schools was designed to help schools respond immediately in the minutes, hours, and days after a suicide as well as in the weeks and months it takes the school community to heal and move forward. Read more »

Navigating Autism Services455

Navigating Autism Services [presentation] [video]

Navigating the service systems related to autism can be a confusing and overwhelming process. This presentation explains what the main service systems are and how to access them, including insurance, school district and regional center. Come learn about services in the community as well as what Children’s Health Council and Stanford provide. Read more »


Applying Mindfulness to Mundane Classroom Tasks

mindfulness454In my work with teachers, I encourage honest, fearless contemplation on what is and is not working in the classroom. This simple exercise can help you discover the mundane moments and tasks in your own classroom that are just waiting for your creativity to transform them into mindful learning opportunities. Read more »


Challenge Success: Create a More Balanced and Academically Fulfilling Life for Your Kids [web resource]

challengesuccesslogo453Challenge Success partners with schools, families, and communities to embrace a broad definition of success and to implement research-based strategies that promote student well-being and engagement with learning. Read more »


Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance [video]

Leaving a high-flying job in consulting, Angela Lee Duckworth took a job teaching math to seventh graders in a New York public school. She quickly realized that IQ wasn’t the only thing separating the successful students from those who struggled. In the TED Talk video, she explains her theory of “grit” as a predictor of success. Read more »


14 Must-Have Life Skills for Teens

teen451If you’re wondering how your teen will survive on their own, don’t worry too much — chances are your child is a lot more capable than you think. Even so, now is a good time to teach your teen a few practical skills that will leave both of you feeling a little more confident about your offspring’s readiness to leave the nest. Read more »

Community Town Hall- Why the College Admissions News Hits Home450

Community Town Hall: Why the College Admissions News Hits Home: Stress, Anxiety and How to Help Your Kids [video]

The recent news about college admissions was deeply troubling to CHC and to the community because it amplifies the culture of stress around admissions and reinforces the stigma attached to learning differences and accommodations, leaving parents concerned that their kids’ evaluations won’t be taken seriously any more. Read more »

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