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Making Time for Mindfulness [downloadable]

mindfulnessintheclassroom424A new study suggests that mindfulness education — lessons on techniques to calm the mind and body — can reduce the negative effects of stress and increase students’ ability to stay engaged, helping them stay on track academically and avoid behavior problems. Read more »

mother daughter421

Four Key Executive Functioning Strategies for Your Child

mother daughter421
Written by Vivien Keil, PhD, Neuropsychologist and Clinical Director at CHC

March Madness is around the corner: a time of anticipation and excitement for college basketball fans around the globe.

Many students, however, especially those with learning and attention differences, are experiencing another form of madness altogether: midterms, projects, deadlines and a pressure to succeed. In a recent study, 45% of teens reported feeling stressed “all the time.” Many parents feel helpless as they wonder how best to help their kids stay afloat.

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transgender 420

Big Gaps in Transgender Research: A Team at UCSF Is Working to Change That

transgender 420Since 2015, researchers at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital clinic have been conducting a study sponsored by the National Institutes of Health that will involve nearly 300 young patients ages 8 to 18 to understand the long-term effects of transgender treatments. These include puberty-blocking hormones, which give patients more time to explore their gender identity, and testosterone and estrogen. Read more »


LGBT+ Teens in US, Rejected by Families, Struggling in Foster Care

fosteryouthlgbtqq419LGBT+ teens in the United States are three times more likely than heterosexual teens to live in foster care, often after being rejected by their families over their sexuality, according to new research. Read more »

Managing Transition- Developing a Strengths-Based IEP 415

Managing Transition: Developing a Strengths-Based IEP [presentation]

Managing Transition- Developing a Strengths-Based IEP 415When a student on an IEP gets to high school age, the focus and format of the IEP should change. IEPs should become student-centered, strength-based and future-focused. How does a parent support their child in the revised process? CHC’s Chris Harris describes the best practice for making the transition IEP participatory, informative and effective. Read more »

Managing Anxiety & Building Self Efficacy 414

Managing Anxiety & Building Self-Efficacy [presentation]

In this Community Education session, licensed Clinical Psychologist Christine Pearston discusses stress and anxiety, common symptoms, and the anxiety/avoidance cycle. Dr. Pearston offers effective strategies parents and caregivers can use to help children cope with anxiety and establish positive behavior patterns. Read more »

Positive Behavior Strategies for Parents 413

Positive Behavior Strategies for Parents [presentation] [video]

Positive Behavior Strategies for Parents 413Does it feel like you are often focused on your child’s struggles and reacting to negative behaviors? Learn some strategies and tools, so that you can orient your parenting style toward a more positive mindset to support and empower your children. Presented by Jody Miller, EdD, Head of Esther B. Clark Schools , and Monique Gonzalez, PsyD, Classroom Clinician at EBC School. Read more »


The Power of Parent Vulnerability – Resources from the 2019 CHC Breakfast

mother son 412Parenting is a lifelong journey filled with incredible highs, daunting lows and everything in between. As parents, we do anything necessary to be certain our kids are happy and healthy. Since there’s no universal parent handbook to “all the right answers,” sometimes we get stuck. Sometimes we’re scared. We always worry. The sheer magnitude of responsibility can make us feel isolated and vulnerable. Read more »

mother child 409

How to Get Past Parenting Guilt When Your Child Has Learning and Attention Issues [video]

mother child 409If you feel guilt around your child’s learning and attention issues, it’s important to know you’re not alone. Feelings of guilt and shame are common among parents of kids with learning and attention issues. Read more »

boy failure 408

Want to Raise Successful Kids? Let Them Fail

boy failure 408Much has been written about the attributes of high-achieving adults, and what makes them different from everyone else. But if you’re a parent, a more compelling question may be: “What can I do to make sure my kids succeed in life?” While it may seem counter-intuitive, the best thing you can do is let them fail. Read more »

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