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parentingburnout 407

Preventing Parent Burnout

parentingburnout 407Parenting is hard work, and parenting a child with mental health issues is exponentially harder. You’re almost certainly putting in more effort than any other mom or dad you know, yet your kid may still be at risk, struggling, or making less progress than her peers. This raises a crucial question: How can you keep going without becoming exhausted? Read more »

lifesuccess 406

Life Success For Students with Learning Disabilities: A Parent’s Guide [downloadable]

lifesuccess 406LD OnLine offers a guide for parents on how to help their children succeed titled Life Success for Students with Learning Disabilities: A Parent’s Guide. It was developed by the Frostig Center and based on more than twenty years of ground-breaking research on the lives of children and adults with learning disabilities. This is offered to you as part of LD OnLine’s efforts to bring you the latest research to help you raise your children with learning disabilities. Read more »

mom and son 405

How To Be An Emotionally Vulnerable Parent (And Why It’s So Important)

mom and son 405When you find the courage to let your kids see your humanity, you’ll see you’re not so different from one another. You find it easier to connect with people you know are authentic than people who project a caricature of themselves to the world. Your kids are no different. Read more »

brenebrownTED 404

TEDx Talk: The Power of Vulnerability [video]

Brené Brown is a research professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work. She has spent more than a decade studying vulnerability, courage, authenticity and shame. In a poignant, funny talk, she shares a deep insight from her research, one that sent her on a personal quest to know herself as well as to understand humanity. Read more »

high school 403

Study Details How Today’s High School Cliques Compare to Yesterday’s

high school 403Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago in collaboration with colleagues from the University of Texas at Austin, have found that while many high school peer crowds and influences have remained constant over time, changing demographics, cultural influences and the increasing number of college-bound youth have led to the emergence of new peer groups and perceptions. Read more »

stressed teen 401

How to Help Teenage Girls Reframe Anxiety and Strengthen Resilience

stressed teen 401In the last decade, rates of anxiety-related disorders in teenagers have steadily risen, particularly in girls. Researchers and psychologists posit several hypotheses about why these rates are on the rise — from digital hyperconnectivity to heightened external pressures to simply a greater awareness, and therefore diagnosis, of mental health concerns. Read more »


Teens View Anxiety, Depression as Biggest Problems in Lives, Study Says

depression397Most American teenagers say they view anxiety and depression as a major problem in the communities where they live, a new Pew study indicates.

The study found that 70 percent of teens view the mental health concerns as a major problem, while 26 percent believe they’re a minor problem and 4 percent say they’re not a problem. Read more »


Donkey Therapy Helps Kids with Autism

autismtherapy294At Cultivate Care Farms, an outpatient care farm in Bolton, Mass., clients with mental health, addiction and communication disorders come to connect with animals and agriculture as a form of therapy. Care farming is a centuries-old model that originated in the Netherlands, and while it continues to be widely popular Europe, it is gaining momentum in the U.S. Read more »

ADHD and Medication396

ADHD and Medication [presentation] [video]

If your child has ADHD, you know that there are a variety of interventions, including medication. This class focused on medication as a treatment option. Hear from ADHD expert and psychiatrist, Dr. Glen Elliott about medications and guidelines for using medication as a treatment for ADHD. Read more »


Screen Time for Kids Under 2 More Than Doubles, Study Finds

Screen time has more than doubled for children under 2 years old since 1997, a study published Monday in the journal JAMA Pediatrics found, with time spent in front of a TV as the main driver despite a changing screen landscape. Read more »

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