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Apps You’ve Never Heard of That Your Teen is Already Using

socialmedia379Of course, it’s nearly impossible to keep up with every hot new app, which makes knowing the risky features — like interaction with strangers, anonymity, privacy concerns, and iffy content — a solid first step. But it’s still important to know the specifics of what’s on your kid’s device and whether or not you’ll allow it to stay there. Read more »

Teen Suicide: What are the Warning Signs? [presentation] [video]

Learn more about risk factors and reasons for suicidal and self-harm behaviors in teens, warning signs, and how to help your teen stay safe. Presented by Stephanie Clarke, PhD and Michele Berk, PhD Asst. Professor Stanford, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Read more »


Teens, Social Media and Mental Health [presentation] [video]

Learn what kids are telling us about social media and the benefits and challenges of living in a connected world.After a brief presentation from My Digital TAT2, students representing CHC’s Teen Wellness Committee and My Digital TAT2’s Youth Advisory Board hold a panel discussion about social media and life online. Read more »


Five Ways to Help Children with ADHD Develop Their Strengths

adhd374Dr. Sharon Saline, author of What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew, is a psychotherapist who works with children diagnosed with ADHD and their families. She argues that an informed empathy for ADHD children —  for what they experience on a daily basis — can inspire parents and teachers to work with these children in ways that will help them grow into responsible and happy adults. Read more »

ReducingIsolationAnxietyinLGBTQQTeens 373

Reducing Isolation & Anxiety in LGBTQQ+ Teens [presentation] [video]

Do you have or know a child who is questioning gender identity or has identified as LGBTQ?

Hear about how you can support these youth in this session presented by Ryan Fouts, LCSW, Outlet Program Director at Adolescent Counseling Services (ACS). Read more »


Teaching Middle School Students with ADHD [presentation] [video]

Do you have students in your middle school classes that call out, seem inattentive or disruptively interrupt the class?

This workshop for educators presented by CHC’s Chris Harris, MEd will help you understand the similarities and differences between ADHD and anxiety so your interventions and strategies will be most effective in mitigating these students’ learning challenges in the classroom. Read more »


What I Wish the World Knew About My Child’s ADHD

ADHD369 ADDitude magazine asked readers to share what they most wish the neurotypical world would understand and respect about attention deficit disorder. Read more »

ADHDAnxietyorBoth 365

ADHD, Anxiety or Both? [presentation] [video]

Glen Elliott, PhD, MD, psychiatrist and former Medical Director at CHC, and Chris Harris, MEd, Chief Education Officer, discuss how behaviors associated with ADHD and anxiety may both occur in the same individual but also can mimic each other, leading to confusion about the best diagnosis and the best treatment approach. Read more »

UnderstandingDBTpartII 364

Understanding the Foundations of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Part II [presentation]

Dr. Anna Parnes, PhD, psychologist and clinician, discusses DBT skills and experiential activities for each of DBT modules: Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Distress Tolerance, and Emotion Regulation. Read more »


American Psychiatric Association [web resource]

americanpsychiatricassoc363The American Psychiatric Association is primarily a professional organization of psychiatrists working together to ensure humane care and effective treatment for all persons with mental illness, including substance use disorders.

As a service to the community,  the American Psychiatric Association website offers accessible content that was designed for a general audience, patients, and their families.

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