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Do We Need an Antidote to Perfectionism?

perfectionism312According to a spate of recent reports, perfectionism is on the rise, especially among young people. This is a very bad thing – perfectionism is linked to anxiety, depression and many other problems – but the silver lining is that we’re no longer talking as if it were something to be proud of. Read more »


Obesity May Harm Kids’ Academics, Coping Skills

obesitystudy311Obese kids may have extra difficulty with schoolwork and coping under stress, a preliminary study suggests. Read more »


Suicide Prevention: Self-Care Tips

selfcare306A common misconception about suicide is that suicidal thoughts are uncommon and suicidal attempts signal that a person cannot be helped. This simply is not true. Read more »


Just a Thought: Teens’ Reflections on Anxiety and Depression [video]

In this panel discussion moderated by CHC’s Senior Engagement Manager for Community Connections, Christine Wang, teens share their thoughts and perspectives about anxiety and mental health. The discussion is followed by a Q & A session with the teen panelists. Read more »


The Un-Tech Gift Guide for Kids with ADHD

blocks301For the 2018 holiday season, ADDitude Magazine has published The Un-Tech Gift Guide for Kids with ADHD with 18 low-tech gift ideas that “will delight and entertain even the most busy, creative, curious children.” Read more »

When Kids Can’t Read295

When Kids Can’t Read: Word Attack Skills for Struggling Readers [presentation] [video]

In this community education session for educators, Lisa Parnello discusses how to identify a student with word attack struggles and offers helpful strategies that can make them a more successful reader. This class includes easy-to-implement methods to help students with and without learning differences to become better readers. Read more »


Empoderar a los Niños Promoviendo la Autogestión (Empowering Kids and Promoting Independence) [presentation]

Esta presentación le ayuda a identificar los obstáculos que pueden estar evitando que su hijo/hija sea más independiente. Aprende estrategias prácticas para ayudar a su hijo/hija a sentirse más seguro/a y actuar de manera más independiente. Read more »


Why Is My Teen Always Tired? Nutritional Strategies for Improving Mood, Energy and Academics [video] [downloadable]

Does your teen always seem to be tired? Learn about the nutritional causes for low energy and fatigue in adolescents. Read more »


Bold, Happy, and Whole During the Holiday Season [presentation] [video] [downloadable]

BoldHappyWholeHolidays285In this workshop, Kanesha Baynard  pinpoints hidden holiday stressors and helps parents create support structures for the “here we go again” moments of dread, and map out a holiday wellness plan that will help you feel whole—instead of depleted—as you navigate the holiday season. Read more »


Stop Running (and other holiday tips for you and your teen)

written by Jenna Borrelli, LCSW, CHC

We are a society obsessed with running, and by running I don’t mean the physical activity of running, I mean running from one thing to the next, filling up our lives with countless activities, events, lists, other people, technology, and substances, so that we are rarely ever still and alone with ourselves. Read more »

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