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Technology to Support Executive Functioning [downloadable]

Executive functioning skills, which involve working memory, flexible thinking and self-monitoring, are key to learning. Read more »

Resources to Help You Prepare for Your Child’s IEP Meeting [downloadable]

An  IEP, Individualized Education Program, is a written document outlining a special-education-eligible student’s strengths, needs, and educational goals. The IEP is designed to help students with a disability reach educational goals more easily than they otherwise would. Read more »

Toolkit: Advocate for the Best IEP for Your Child [downloadable]

The Supreme Court’s Endrew F decision in 2017 is an opportunity to improve the services IEPs offer students. And it’s up to you as a parent to make the most of it. Doing so will not only help your child, but also the 1 in 5 kids with learning and attention issues in your community and beyond. Read more »


Early Screening for Children at Risk of Dyslexia [web resource] [downloadable]

decodingdyslexia267Decoding Dyslexia CA, made up of families who have dyslexic children, educators and others who are passionate about addressing dyslexia, strives to raise dyslexia awareness, empower families to support their children, and improve resources for students with dyslexia in California public schools. Read more »


How to Harness Your Anxiety

anxiety265Anxiety has long been one of the most feared enemies in our emotional canon. We fear its arrival, feel helpless and trapped under its spell, and grant it power to overtake us in new, exciting and challenging situations. But what if we’ve been going about it all wrong? Read more »

Making Sense of Adolescents- Understanding Your Teen262

Making Sense of Adolescents: Understanding Your Teen [presentation]

Your teen is no longer a child and not yet an adult. Are you wondering how to help your child navigate this amazing, but perplexing stage of life? In this community education session, learn about the developmental stages of a teen so that you know what to expect and how to help. Read more »

Building Executive Functioning Skills261

Building Executive Functioning Skills [presentation] [downloadable]

This session on Executive Functioning skills was presented by  Ali Meyers, Co-Director of Meyers Learning Center. Learn strategies for building these critical, developing capacities in everyday ways. Read more »


The Confidence Gap for Girls: 5 Tips for Parents of Tween and Teen Girls

tweengirl260The early weeks of a school year can rattle even the most self-assured kid — the swirl of new classes, teachers and tribes, and the pressure to try out new extracurriculars, sports and even personalities.

Tween and teen girls face an added challenge because their confidence is already plummeting during those years. Of course, puberty is a turbulent time for confidence in both genders. But girls experience a much more significant, dramatic drop. Read more »


Screen Time Is Killing Teens. Could Entrepreneurs Use Screens To Also Help Save Them?

hand258Growing up has never been easy. No past generation of adolescents, however, has struggled with mental health quite like today’s teens, and this is something I see on a daily basis. Building a world for the next generation is difficult when you wonder whether the next generation will be able to enjoy it, and it’s something I think about regularly as an entrepreneur. Read more »


What It’s Like to Be the Parent of a Trans* Kid

The following is a blog post written by venture capitalist Heidi Roizen after the suicide of trans teen Leelah Alcorn in 2014. Roizen recounts her own experience as a parent of a trans kid in the hope that it might help others. Read more »

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