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Building the Core Skills Youth Need for Life: A Guide for Education and Social Service Practitioners [downloadable]

executivefunctionharvard225All youth need to develop a set of core life skills to manage school, work, outside interests, and social relationships successfully. From the perspective of brain development, these skills include planning, focus, self-control, awareness, and flexibility—also known as “executive function” and “self-regulation” skills. Read more »


Classroom Accommodations for Dysgraphia

dysgraphia224Dysgraphia is a neurological disorder characterized by writing disabilities. In children, the disorder generally emerges when they are first introduced to writing.

For kids with dysgraphia, the effort of writing can get in the way of learning. Here’s a look at some classroom accommodations from that can help kids with writing issues. Read more »

Dyslexia Fact Sheet [downloadable]

What is dyslexia? This one-page fact sheet from provides essential information about what dyslexia is and is not and how to help kids with dyslexia. Read more »

Resources for Developing Inclusive Schools [web resource] [downloadable]

When students feel safe at school, they can thrive. Welcoming Schools, a project of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, offers an array of free resources designed to help educators and administrators create a welcoming school community. Read more »

Great Diverse Books For Your School, Library or Home [web resource] [downloadable]

A simple way to let students and families know that your school welcomes everyone is to integrate books into your curriculum that reflect the diversity of your classroom and the world.

Welcoming Schools, a project of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, has created lists of currently available diverse books as a starting point. Each recommendation includes a brief summary and the grade and age-range the book is best suited for. Read more »


Why You Should Stop Yelling at Your Kids

lecturingyelling217The use of spanking to discipline children has been in decline for 50 years. But yelling? Almost everybody still yells at their kids sometimes, even the parents who know it doesn’t work. Yelling may be the most widespread parental stupidity around today. Read more »


Video Game Helps Kids Understand Experiences Of Peers On The Autism Spectrum

PrismAutism215A new game developed by Carnegie Mellon University students is helping elementary schoolers understand what life is like for kids on the autism spectrum.

Created by the university’s Entertainment Technology Center, Prism uses its animal characters as allegories for the challenges those with autism face. Read more »

Lawnmower Parents Are the New Helicopter Parents & We Are Not Here for It

Lawnmower parents go to whatever lengths necessary to prevent their child from having to face adversity, struggle, or failure.

Instead of preparing children for challenges, they mow obstacles down so kids won’t experience them in the first place. Read more »

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The Things No One Ever Told Us: Successful Strategies for Parents of Children with Autism [video]

Baldi Google preso213CHC’s Gina Baldi explores the signs and symptoms of autism and the benefits of neurodiversity; strategies for the autistic child’s success; how the family and siblings can best support the autistic child; and local resources, promising innovations, apps, programs (Early Support Program for Autism—ESPA), and assistive technologies for kids with autism. Read more »


Using the Coach Approach to Connect & Empower Your Student [presentation] [video] [downloadable]

In this session for educators, executive function coach and consultant Vanessa Fasoli from Spark Focus explains how students’ executive function skills can be fostered through coaching techniques and strategies. Read more »

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