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Threat of Child Suicide Is Highest During the School Year, Study Finds

depressedteen146The number of school-age children and adolescents hospitalized for suicidal thoughts or attempts has more than doubled since 2008, according to a new Vanderbilt University Medical Center-led study published in May in Pediatrics. Read more »


‘Gaming Disorder’ Has Been Classified As a Mental Health Condition by the World Health Organization

gaming144The World Health Organization has added “gaming disorder” to the list of mental health conditions.

The addition will appear in the new version the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), the WHO’s standardized list of diseases and other medical conditions used by countries around the world. Read more »


When Teens Cyberbully Themselves

cyberbullying143During the stressful teen years, most adolescents experience emotional highs and lows, but for more than 20 percent of teenagers, their worries and sad feelings turn into something more serious, like anxiety or depression. Studies show that 13 percent to 18 percent of distressed teens physically injure themselves via cutting, burning or other forms of self-harm as a way to cope with their pain. Read more »

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How to Teach Teens About Love, Consent and Emotional Intelligence

teens holding hands142Navigating love and relationships can be difficult at any age, but especially so in the angsty teenage years. Budding romances can be fun and exhilarating but also confusing and uncomfortable. In these moments of confusion, teens often turn to friends or the internet for advice. But what if teens were trained with other options? What if lessons in love and romance were taught more explicitly in schools and at home? Read more »

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The Ups and Downs of Social Media

social media mental health141A study finds that teenagers report feeling all kinds of positive and negative emotions when describing the same social media experiences — posting selfies, Snapchatting, browsing videos — but the majority rate their overall experiences as positive. Read more »


Helicopter Parenting May Negatively Affect Children’s Emotional Well-Being, Behavior

helicopterparenting140It’s natural for parents to do whatever they can to keep their children safe and healthy, but children need space to learn and grow on their own, without Mom or Dad hovering over them, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association. The study, published in the journal Developmental Psychology, found that overcontrolling parenting can negatively affect a child’s ability to manage his or her emotions and behavior. Read more »

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The Anti-Depressant Book, A Practical Guide for Teens and Young Adults to Overcome Depression and Stay Healthy

Towerybookcover135Imagine you are 15 and texting someone you like. Twenty minutes go by without a response. What thoughts come into your mind?

This is a hypothetical scenario in Jacob Towery’s The Anti-Depressant Book, A Practical Guide for Teens and Young Adults to Overcome Depression and Stay Healthy, but it is no stretch to assume it is happening right now all over the country. If adolescents are not waiting for a text, they are checking their grades online or browsing social media. Emotional resilience is tested not weekly or daily, but multiple times a minute. Read more »

SanaMente EachMindMatters 133

SanaMente: California’s Mental Health Website and Resources for Latinos [web resource]

SanaMente132Latinos are one of the groups least likely to seek help for mental illness due to reasons which include language fluency, cultural barriers and access to health coverage. SanaMente is California’s Mental Health Movement website for the Latino community. Read more »

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What to Do if You’re Worried About Suicide – A Parent’s Guide

depression127What do you do when you’re worried that a child might be feeling suicidal? Nadine Kaslow, PhD, psychologist and former President of the American Psychological Association, provides guidance to parents on the best ways to support a child who is in distress. Read more »


How Bibliotherapy Can Help Students Open Up About Their Mental Health

readingbibliotherapy126Mental health concerns, like anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, can affect a student’s ability to concentrate, form friendships and thrive in the classroom. Read more »

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