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How To Talk with Kids About Terrible Things

hidingboy78How can we help the children in schools across the country who, in the wake of another school shooting, struggle to cope with feelings of fear, confusion and uncertainty? Read more »

Community Education

Technology Supports for Executive Functioning [presentation] [video]

Community EducationLearn more about technology supports can compensate for executive function challenges and help build more robust executive function skills.

Shayla Whiteley, M.A., experienced learning specialist shares her insights and knowledge to provide you with a greater understanding of how some types of technology can support executive functioning. Read more »

Community Education

Dyslexia and Learning Differences in the Classroom [presentation] [video]

Are there students in your classroom that struggle with learning? Perhaps those students have a diagnosed or undiagnosed learning issue. In this teacher ed class, Jeff Kozlowski, former Head of Sand Hill School at CHC, reviews the types and signs of learning differences and the impact they can have on a student’s social and emotional well-being. Read more »

Community Education

Understanding Your Child’s IEP [presentation] [video]

What is an IEP? What do all those test scores mean? What should be included in an IEP and how do I know my child is accomplishing the goals listed on her IEP? Learn all about IEPs from expert educator and Chief Education Officer at CHC, Chris Harris. Read more »


Pediatricians Call For Universal Depression Screening For Teens

depressedgirl77Only about 50 percent of adolescents with depression get diagnosed before reaching adulthood. And as many as 2 in 3 depressed teens don’t get the care that could help them. To address this divide, the American Academy of Pediatrics has issued updated guidelines this week that call for universal screening for depression. Read more »


Noted Child Psychiatrist Harold Koplewicz, MD, Speaks Out on the Parkland Shooting

shootingParklandpost76Harold S. Koplewicz, MD, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology and President of the Child Mind Institute has spoken out on the Parkland shooting and the urgent need to make mental health a priority for research and action. Read more »

anxious girl69

What to Do (and Not Do) When Children Are Anxious

anxious girl69When children are chronically anxious, even the most well-meaning parents can fall into a negative cycle and, not wanting a child to suffer, actually exacerbate the youngster’s anxiety. It happens when parents, anticipating a child’s fears, try to protect her from them. Read more »

Talking to Your Kids and Teens When They Need Help

As parents and teachers, you are the first line of support for kids and teens. It’s important for you to have an open line of communication with them and build a sense of trust. When your kids and teens are having difficulties, you want them to feel comfortable turning to you for help. Read more »


3 Mindful Breathing Activities for Classroom Transition

Mindful Schools began in a classroom at Emerson Elementary School in Oakland, CA in 2007 when a small team assembled their collective experience in education, social justice, and mindfulness. The program is founded on the belief that mindfulness provides young people with a compass to navigate their lives.

The following post by Betsy Hanger suggests three activities to create short moments of mindfulness for your students. Read more »


APA Resources for Coping with Mass Shootings, Understanding Gun Violence

Sad teenage boy65Resources on the American Psychological Association’s website can help people with cope with stress and anxiety caused by  shootings and gun violence. Read more »

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