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Community Education

Parenting Wired Teens [video]

As a parent, you want to know how much media use is too much. Should you manage your teen’s media consumption, and if so, how? How can you help your teen balance their time online and offline?  In this CHC Community Education session,  several presenters provide information and their perspectives on this topic. Read more »


Kids and Screen Time: Signs Your Child Might Be Addicted

phone-game-159395It’s a familiar sight in the majority of young families: young children bent over a screen for hours, texting or gaming, lost in a digital world.

Many parents worry, how much screen time is too much? Read more »

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Perfect Grades Don’t Always Matter [video]

Most American students strive for a 4.0 GPA and the highest test scores, but research shows that this quest for perfection actually discourages creativity and reduces academic risk-taking. In this episode of “School Myths” author Alice Roth of The Atlantic investigates why grades aren’t everything when it comes to education. Read more »

To Write Love on Her Arms [web resource]

To Write Love on Her Arms is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide.

TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire, and invest directly into treatment and recovery. Read more »

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Three Ways Parents Can Make Digital Media a Positive for Young Kids

child-tablet 1183465_640Digital technologies have added a new element of anxiety to family life for many parents. A lot of kids now have access to mobile devices, which brings up parent concerns that kids aren’t learning to interact with people, spend too much time on devices and no longer play outside.

Sara DeWitt of PBS Kids Digital says some of parents’ deepest fears could be holding them back from seeing the potential of digital technology. Read more »

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Supporting & Caring for Transgender Children [downloadable]

/Users/lori/Desktop/photos for CHC articles/supportingcaringfortransgender.pngThe American Academy of Pediatrics supports policies that are gender-affirming for children – an approach that is supported by other key professional organizations.

In 2016, the AAP joined with other organizations to produce the document, Supporting & Caring for Transgender Children, “a guide for community members and allies to ensure that transgender young people are affirmed, respected, and able to thrive.” Read more »

Community Education

Helping Teens Cope with Anxiety — Archbishop Mitty High School Session [presentation]

In this session at Archbishop Mitty High School, Annaleah Logan, PsyD. discusses the different forms of anxiety and their respective symptoms, the stressors that teens experience, causes of teen anxiety and depression, and coping strategies. Read more »

SEL brief elementary school

Social Emotional Learning in Elementary School [downloadable]

SEL brief elementary schoolSocial and Emotional Learning in Elementary School, produced by Pennsylvania State University with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, examines the evidence of successful, universal SEL programs and practices used to support social and emotional development in students during the elementary years (K-5). Read more »

Community Education

Tantrums, Tears and Tempers—Managing Your Young Child’ s Behavior [presentation]

In this class, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist Marcela Molina and Doctoral Psychology Intern Brittany Matheson review the ABCs of behavior and provide an overview of strategies for managing behavior with your young child.
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Dyslexia and the Wider World of Creativity and Talent

Reading well can be a sign of intelligence, except when it isn’t, which is often the case for the 5-20 percent of students who have by far the most common form of learning disability, dyslexia. Read more »

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