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Community Education

Anxiety and Depression in Teens [presentation]

In this parent education session held at the German International School of Silicon Valley, CHC’s Tonia Chen, MA, LMFT and Christine Wang, EdM invite parents to step into the shoes of their teens to better understand the complexities of a teen’s mood as well as their unique job. The discussion includes parents’ role in modeling and teaching stress management to their teens.

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Community Education

Late & Unprepared? Executive Functioning Strategies in the Middle School Classroom [presentation]

In this session for educators, educator Alixanne Agnew defines executive functioning, examines individual “functions,” and discusses strategies for building and supporting executive functioning in the classroom, including behavioral strategies and technology supports. Read more »

What to Do When Your Child Comes Out As LGBTQ

So your child just came out as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. What do you do? Read more »


The Resilience Approach to Making Friends, Managing Anger, and Stopping Bullying [video]

friends-2019068_640Brooks Gibbs is a social skills educator who teaches strategies for conflict resolution with a special emphasis on emotional resilience and the Golden Rule. Read more »


The Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative [web resource]

CAHMIThe Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative (CAHMI) is a national initiative based out of the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland.

The mission of the Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative is to advance patient-centered innovations and improvements in children’s health and health care quality. Read more »

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Books That Can Help Children Manage Their Anxiety

boy reading book-2572105_640Anxiety disorders in children are not uncommon; in fact, some studies indicate that as many as 1 in 8 children experience anxiety that impedes their social, personal and academic functioning. Read more »


Educators Employ Strategies To Help Kids with Anxiety Return To School

little-boy-hiding1635065_640The Anxiety and Depression Association of America estimates anxiety-based school refusal affects 2 to 5 percent of school-age children. It is often triggered when students are transitioning into middle or high school. Doctors say it should be treated with flexibility and therapy – not punishment. Read more »

boy crisis

How to Help Children Cope with a Crisis

boy crisisHere are ten tips Save the Children recommends for parents, teachers, grandparents and caregivers to provide comfort and understanding to children: Read more »

Community Education

Does My Child Have a Reading Problem? [presentation]

Are you concerned that your child may have a reading problem? Literacy Program Director at Sand Hill School Lisa Parnello MEd takes a closer look at reading difficulties. Read more »


Be the One: Six True Stories of Teens Overcoming Hardship with Hope

betheonebookcoverIn his book Be the One, ABC News chief national correspondent and Nightline coanchor, Byron Pitts shares the stories of six young people  who overcame impossible circumstances with extraordinary perseverance. Read more »

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