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Community Education

ADHD: Signs and Classroom Strategies [presentation]

ADHD appears in different ways and can definitely result in struggles at school for affected kids. If you have kids in your classroom who are easily distracted, have a hard time paying attention, trouble controlling behavior or are nonstop talkers, CHC’s Lisa Parnello MAEd offers suggestions and practical classroom strategies. Read more »

teen couple

Talk With Your Teen About Healthy Relationships

The majority of parents want to talk to their teens about sexual intercourse, sexuality, and relationships and most teens want to hear from their parents about these topics. But many parents say that when it comes to talking to their teens about these issues, they don’t know what to say, how to say it, or even when to say it. Read more »

Social Media Can Boost Teens’ Self-Esteem — or Foster Depression

Using social media to connect with others is kind of like having a private conversation in a public place.

Depending on whether people notice your posts — and how positively they respond — your online interactions may be quite positive. Or not. Social media can make some teens feel depressed and isolated. Read more »

Preventing Bullying Through…Fiction?

There have been numerous studies showing that people who read fiction have increased empathy. This is why fiction is one of the most powerful tools we have to combat bullying and intolerance.

When you see the world through another person’s eyes, you realize how similar you are to them, even if that person might seem very different from you. Read more »


STOMP Out Bullying

STOMP Out Bullying is a national nonprofit dedicated to changing the culture for all students. It works to reduce and prevent bullying, cyberbullying, sexting and other digital abuse, educates against homophobia, LGBTQ discrimination, racism and hatred, and deters violence in schools, online and in communities across the country. Read more »

Community Education

Growing Up with ADHD: Perspectives of a Child Psychiatrist & His Son [presentation]

In this presentation, CHC’s Chief Psychiatrist & Medical Director Dr. Glen Elliott and his son Mark Elliott, MD, a first year Child Psychiatry Fellow at UCSF, share their personal perspectives on growing up with ADHD.  The session starts with a brief description of key symptoms of ADHD followed by a walk down memory lane of how ADHD affected the lives of one parent and one child through different age ranges. Read more »

igns of anxiety and depression

Anxiety and Depression: Know the Signs and How to Help [downloadable]

How do you know if you or someone you care about is suffering from anxiety or depression?  The symptoms can be subtle, and they may develop over time. This downloadable handout lists the signs and changes in behavior that are indicators of anxiety or depression. If you identify these symptoms in yourself or someone else, the next step is to get help.

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How to Talk to Kids About Tragic Events

child-tragedy2122019_640When tragic events like the Las Vegas shooting occur, it can be hard to know what to say to your kids. After all, it doesn’t make sense why someone would do something so horrific. So how can you possibly explain it to your kids? Read more »

Community Education

Social Emotional Resilience in Children with Dyslexia [presentation]

In this Community Educations session for educators, UCSF School of Medicine’s Dr. Fumiko Hoeft discusses:

– The resilience framework of dyslexia
– Cognitive resilience
– Socio-emotional resilience
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Community Education

Helping Teens Cope with Anxiety [presentation]

Did you know that anxiety affects 25% of teens and 30% of teen girls? In this Community Education session, Annaleah Logan, PsyD. discusses the different forms of anxiety and their respective symptoms, the stressors that teens experience, causes of teen anxiety and depression, and coping strategies. Read more »

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