CHC Resource Library

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How to Nurture Your Child’s Mental Health

Parents play an important part in supporting and encouraging a child’s good mental health habits. Read more »

Diagnosing Behavioral Problems in Children

All children and adolescents act out from time to time—having tantrums, testing boundaries, or questioning rules—especially if they’re overly distressed or tired. In fact, such behavior is an expected part of development in toddlers and young teens. But when behavioral problems disrupt a child’s family, school, and social life, it may indicate a more serious condition. Read more »

How to Be Outraged: A Flowchart for Sustainable Social Activism [downloadable]

When news breaks about troubling injustices, oppressive shifts in government, or court rulings that seem unthinkable, it’s normal to feel extremely angry. Anger, like no other emotion, can move us toward action. Read more »

Burnout, Compassion Fatigue, and Vicarious Trauma [downloadable]

In the simplest terms: burnout occurs when the stress we experience exceeds our capacity to cope with that stress. Some individuals may be able to thrive – at least in the short term – under high stress. However, chronic stress without relief eventually begins to take a toll on even the most resilient individuals. Read more »

Young Adults and Failure to Launch

“Failure to launch” is a term used to describe the phenomenon of young adults, typically in their 20s and 30s, who struggle to transition into independent adult life. They often have clinical issues such as anxiety, depression, OCD, autism, or ADHD. As a result, these individuals may have difficulty finding and maintaining employment, forming healthy relationships, or living independently. Read more »

Being a Parent to a Young Adult

Typically, teens leave the nest for college or a job and set up their own household, gradually becoming more skilled at managing finances, healthcare, academics, employment, relationships and transportation; in other words, they build their own lives as adults. Read more »

10 Things You Can Do If You’re Lonely

It’s normal to feel lonely sometimes. Many people go through periods of loneliness, and it doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with them. If you’re lonely, there are some things you can try that might help. Read more »

America Has a Loneliness Epidemic. Here Are 6 Steps to Address It

According to a new advisory from the U.S. Surgeon General titled “Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation,”  even before the COVID-19 pandemic, about half of U.S. adults reported experiencing measurable levels of loneliness. Read more »

Loneliness Damages Not Just Children’s Mental Health, But Their Grades As Well

Children who feel lonely are more likely to leave school with worse grades than classmates who never experience loneliness. Read more »

Why Sleep Matters for Kids’ Bodies and Brains

It’s hard to overstate the importance of sleep for our well-being. When our sleep is disrupted, we become become more susceptible to illness and more likely to suffer cognitive impairment, poor work performance, and withdrawal and loneliness.

This is especially true for our children, says Rafael Pelayo, a sleep expert at the Stanford Sleep Medicine Center. Read more »

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